8. Zero to Hero

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8. Zero To Hero (From "Hercules")

He was a no one, a zero, zero. Now he's a hotshot, He's a hero.


"Your time starts now- OH WAIT." Pan shouted out over the gathering of people as they burst out in chatter.

They all fell silence when they realized he had forgotten to say something.

"I shall give you a clue." He grinned. "The thing guarding the treasure has 4 eyes, but can't see."

Benches were pushed back as everyone jumped up in a hurry, everyone chatting about where the prize could possibly be and no one wanting to be the last back.

"Alright!" Liam said to the four British boys. "Niall, find the compass."

"Yep." Niall nodded. "Zayn, grab some food, put it in a rucksack." Niall continued.
Zayn nodded.

"I'll find the map." Louis chimed in. "Let's go team!"

"Meet back here in 5." Zayn added.

They all put their hands in and did their handshake before splitting off to grab the things they would need.

From a distance, Harry sat alone at the table in the back, watching the four friends plan out their strategy.

There were people moving around him everywhere, chatting away excitedly as they shared ideas on where to look for the treasure.

The new kid had no idea what was going on, or what to do, so he sat there in a daze until the area was empty.

Harry slowly stood up and looked around before wandering outside. He really hoped that Skull Rock wasn't too bad, because he knew that would be where he would be spending the night.


"OKAY!" Louis shouted, running across the only rope bridge leading away from camp. "I GOT IT!"

He was waving a map around as he ran, stopping to catch his breath when he finally caught up to them.

"Good job." Niall patted his head, making Louis stick his tongue out at him and Liam push the two children apart.

"Have we got everything?" Zayn asked as Louis put the map inside the rucksack, along with all their other things.

"Think so." Liam nodded alone with everyone else. "Let's go."

And with that, Zayn swung the rucksack over his shoulder and the group headed off into the jungle.

"So where do we think it is?" Liam asked, pushing a branch back.

"He said not too far." Niall commented. "So I don't think it'll be past the Oak Tree."

Louis nodded, thinking of the fairy home that Niall had mentioned. "Didn't he hide it there last time though?" He asked.

"Yeah," Zayn agreed as they trekked down a small, dirt hill. "I think that's what Perrie said."

And they all decided to agree on that, considering the girls won last time.

"Maybe its by the beach?" Niall asked, pushing some leaves out of his face.

"Four eyes and can't see." Liam muttered. "Four eyes and can't see."

"Maybe its one of those turtles I've seen by the river?" Louis commented. "They had four eyes..."
"Hmmm, yeah," Liam thought. "Maybe."

"Maybe it's-" Niall cut himself off as something in the jungle caught his eye. "Harry?"

"The treasure is most certainly not Harry." Louis scoffed, trying not to laugh at the ridiculous motion.

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