28. A Pirate's Life

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28. A Pirate's Life (From "Peter Pan")

Oh, A pirate's life is a wonderful life!


All Harry could hear in the darkness, was the sounds of men. Big, scary sounding men walking on the decks above him and shouting at each other as they worked.

The ship he was on hadn't moved on the water anywhere. It seemed to Harry that they were moored somewhere, waiting for something.

And Harry hoped that whatever they were waiting for didn't come. Because he knew when it came, Harry was done for.

After talking to Tinkerbell about the business that happened aboard the Jolly Rodger, Harry cried. He cried for his memories, he cried for himself and he cried for everyone he was going to be torn apart from.

Eventually, he drifted into a fitful sleep, full of nightmares about what on earth Hook needed the Lost Boys for.

He knew that he needed them to be turned into pirates, but he didn't know what he needed pirates for... and it scared him.

He woke up the following morning, still shrouded in darkness, with only Tink's small glow now by his face. He had moved so he was closer to her, she made him feel a little safer though he wasn't sure why.

Even thought the entire room was black, the warm yellow light lit up the small area Harry slept in as he'd moved her glass lantern imprisonment down so they were practically sitting side-by-side.

"Are you okay?" She whispered when she saw the outline of the crying boy stir.

"Hmm." Harry answered, rubbing his eyes and looking around.

"You were crying a lot last night." She commented, watching him with a sad expression. "I'm sorry."

Harry sighed sitting up, leaning his back on the wooden wall as he sniffled.

"I just miss him, is all." He mumbled and Tink's ears pricked up.

"Him?" She asked. "You're in love?"

Harry gulped, looking at the ground before looking back up at her and nodding. Because yeah, he was. He hadn't admitted it to Louis yet, but he knew he was in love with him.

She smiled at that.

"Aw," She grinned. "Is he back in England? I just figured because of the accent." She finished with a giggle, which Harry returned.

"No," He shook his head. "He's here, on Neverland."

"Oh Harry!" She clapped her hands together and moved to the edge of the glass to look at him with a grin. "That's wonderful!"

"Except I'm going to forget." Harry reminded her with a frown. "I'm going to forget he ever existed, aren't I?"

And Tinkerbell didn't know what to say to that, because he was right. And she didn't know how to comfort him.

"So that's why he wanted you..." She said to herself.

"What?" Harry asked.

"When he sent the pirates to get a Lost Boy a few days ago, he insisted that they get you; 'the curly haired boy with a dimpled smile', he had said." She told him. "Because you're in love."

"Why does that even matter?" He asked her and she gave him a small smile.

"Because it hurts more." She said, biting her bottom lip. "The more you have, the more you have to lose."

Harry's jaw dropped in shock as he watched her with wet eyes. She was sorry, so sorry that this was going to happen to him. Harry was too sweet to deserve such a fate, and Tinkerbell just wished it were different.

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