36. A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes

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36. A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes (From "Cinderella")

A dream is a wish your heart makes, when you're fast asleep. In dreams you will lose your heartaches. Whatever you wish for, you keep.


Harry's bare feet padded across the wooden platforms of the tree-house camp, his face illuminated in the pale moonlight filtering through the leaves.

He moved as quickly as he could as he searched for the boy he was looking for.

Pan could have been anywhere, and he didn't really know where to look, but he supposed he'd start with his room.

He crossed the rope bridge and climbed the stairs, up to the same place that he and Louis had shared kisses under the sunset.

Once he got close to the top, he poked his head up and looked around. Sure enough, Pan was floating in the air, relaxing as he watched the night sky.

Harry cleared his throat and knocked on the wooden floor before he entered the room.

Pan turned his head and smiled, standing up as he walked over.

"Harry!" He grinned. "What can I do for you?"

"Uh," Harry mumbled, awkwardly fiddling with his fingers. "I was just, um-"

Pan sighed, and Harry stopped talking, watching his leader as he smiled sadly at him.

"I actually wanted to talk to you." He admitted, and Harry frowned.

"About what?" He asked.

"About what happened to you." Pan's smile faded. "I'm sorry that happened. It was never supposed to-"

"But you willingly gave me over to them." Harry cut him off. "You let them take me away."

"I know, but-"

"But why?" Harry whispered. "W-What did I do?"

"Oh Harry," Pan smiled sympathetically. "You didn't do anything wrong... I did."

Pan ran a hand through his hair and turned around.

"C'mere." He nodded towards the balcony, so Harry followed him out there. They stopped against the barrier and looked out over the view.

"I thought I was doing the right thing." Pan said softly. "I thought that by doing that, I could keep the peace. I could prevent him from attacking, by making some sort of treaty."

"But he was using us to-"

"I know." Pan turned to face the confused boy. "He was going to turn you and use you against me in an attack, the one thing I was trying to avoid."

Harry bit his bottom lip as he saw the distress on Pan's face, and he knew he was sorry. It was clear that the flying boy had the best intentions, no matter how it all turned out.

"I think it's time I told you what you came here for." Pan nodded, making Harry's face drop.

He watched Pan's face, and slowly he smiled as he gulped and nodded.


"Yeah," Pan nodded, holding out his hand for Harry to take. "You're mother. I'll take you to her."

"She's here? On the island?" Harry's eyes widened and Pan nodded.

Harry smiled wider and shakily reached forwards, taking Pan's hand with nervous excitement.

Then, Peter bent his legs and jumped into the air, flying up into the sky as he took Harry with him, the curly haired boy holding on for dear life.

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