32. Friend Like Me

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32. Friend Like Me (From "Aladdin")

You ain't never had a friend like me


Louis, Niall, Zayn and Liam all sat at their usual table in the dining hall as the rest of the camp entered.

They were all chatting nervously to each other and looking around, all confused.

They didn't know why that had been called to he hall when it wasn't a mealtime.

Louis sat there seething, his arms crossed as he silently let tears run down his face. He didn't even care anymore, he was so mad.

Niall was scared for Harry, and so was Liam. He and Zayn sat either side of Louis, just incase he jumped up and attacked Pan again.

"I fucking hate him." Louis grumbled, staring at the table as he frowned. "I hate Pan. I hate him."

"Louis." Zayn said warningly and Louis just let out a groan.

"Why can't we go and get Harry?" He snapped.

"Because if we leave now, he'll notice we're gone and then no one will be able to help him." Liam explained. "Just wait till this is over, then we'll go."

"Ugh." Louis rolled his eyes, his leg jittering under the table as he got more and more impatient.

"Should we make a plan or something?" Niall asked, looking at the other three nervously.

"Yeah, probably." Zayn nodded.

"But we don't know what the ship's like." Liam interjected. "How are we supposed to make a plan if we don't even know what we're looking for?"

"Harry." Louis snapped. "We're looking for Harry. I don't see what's so hard about it. We go down there, find the only curly-headed kid on board and bring him back. Done." He slapped his hands on the table and stood up. "Now can we go-"

But he was cut off by Liam, who grabbed his arm and pulled him back down. "We should wait for Tink, she'll help."

"Yeah," Niall agreed. "Once she's done the announcement with Pan, she'll come with us, I know it."

"Okay." Zayn nodded, and Louis just sat there sulking. All he wanted was to get his Harry from that horrid ship. It had been far too long without him and he needed him back in his arms.


The whole hall fell silent as Pan started talking, Tinkerbell flying next to him.

"Many things have happened today, that need explaining." He began.

Then, he went on to tell everyone what had happened. However, he left out the part about him letting Lost Boys be turned into pirates and the fact that Harry was still captive. He only wanted them to know about Hook so that they were ready.

He explained that Hook was back, and that their training was going to be intensified. He told them all about Tink and then went on to talk about a plan of action.

"We are not going to attack," he said. "However, if the pirates come for us, then we go to war. I will not stand by and let him take over Neverland. This island is ours!"

Everyone cheered when he said that, and then he dismissed them and the whole room started talking.

Many people were happy and excited, some were a little frightened but they were mostly okay with it. Pirates weren't a rare occurrence on the island anyway.

"Okay, lets go-" Louis stood up and tried to make a beeline for the door, but again, Liam grabbed his arm and sat him back down.

"Just hold on a moment." He said. "We've got to plan this."

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