14. Colours of the Wind

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14. Colours Of The Wind (From "Pocahontas")

Come run the hidden pine trails of the forest. Come taste the sunsweet berries of the earth. Come roll in all the riches all around you and for once, never wonder what they're worth.


"So we should probably find somewhere to set up camp then." Zayn commented as the five of them trudged through the jungle, the light becoming dimmer as the sun set.

This time, Niall was up the front with Liam, trying to read the map in the fading light while Zayn just grumbled about being tired and wanting to set up camp.

And in the back, Harry and Louis had their arms linked, giggling like idiots as they tried to walk around each other's feet.

Their visit to the Fairy Oak was short, but amazing nonetheless. Harry had never seen something so beautiful in his life. And with having Louis there next to him, holding his hand, it made the whole thing even better.

Harry couldn't control how he was feeling. There was something about Louis that made his heart race whenever he was near. His eyes were just gorgeous and his nose was so cute and little, it was just everything, Harry thought, that made him the most incredible human being he'd ever met.

And he really liked him, a lot. But he had no idea what to do about it, so he decided he would just continue on, having fun with him until it became an issue.

He stole a glance sideways to see Louis looking down at their feet, concentrating on where they were stepping as they walked like teenage best friends, a huge smile on his face.

Honestly, seeing him like that was one of Harry's favourite things. His genuine, crinkly eyed smile was Harry's favourite kind of smile, it made his heart melt because he was happy.

"Yeah." Liam agreed with Zayn from up the front. "Maybe a little bit further up here, I think there's a clearing."

"I'm tired." Louis whined, looking up at Zayn who smiled and rolled his eyes.

"Calm down, princess." Zayn shook his head. "We're gonna stop soon, yeah?" He called his question out to Liam and Niall up ahead.

"Yeah." Niall answered, still staring intently at the map as he tried to figure out where they were.

Then, the jungle got more dense, neither Harry or Louis could see far in front of them. They had to unlink their arms so they could bat leaves and branches out of their faces.

"Hey Louis?" Niall called out, making Louis look up. "Can you come here for a sec?"

Louis gave Harry a brief smile before ducking under and branch and jogging up to Niall, leaving Harry alone.

So Harry continued to follow the others, a couple paces behind them. He couldn't actually see any of them, he just heard their footsteps and tried to keep up.

But after a bit, he couldn't hear anything anymore.

"Guys?" He called out, stopping for a second to listen. There was nothing.

"Hello?" He called out again. "Niall? Louis?"

He couldn't see anything, just green, overgrown trees and bushes right in his face.

He felt his chest tighten as he pushed some more branches away as he took a few steps forward.

"Louis?" he called, receiving no answer. "Louis?!"

Harry started to panic, stopping as he frantically looked around for the only familiar thing in the masses of green.

But all he could see was trees and branches everywhere.

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