27. Kill The Beast

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27. Kill The Beast (From "Beauty And The Beast")

We won't rest 'till he's good and deceased. Steady fourth, tally ho! Grab your sword, grab your bow! Let's get on and here we go!


Louis was on the beach, alone, in the hammock. The very same hammock that he and Harry had shared only a few days before.

He was quiet as he looked out over the soft, rolling ocean. It was a more greeny colour that day, and it only reminded him of Harry's eyes, making him even more upset.

He had become withdrawn ever since Harry had left. He didn't know what to do, and he couldn't remember what he used to do before Harry came along either.

It had all just been dull and hazy, then Harry had come along and made everything a like technicolour dream. He missed him, he really did and it was a horrible feeling.

Mostly, because he didn't have any answers, Harry just left. There was no goodbye, no explanation, no nothing.

And it confused him.

Surely he was worth more than than, surely he was worth at least a goodbye. Apparently not.


Louis turned his head to see Niall walking down the beach towards him. He tried to give him a small smile, but it was quite dismal, really, so he turned back to the sand.

"Liam's gonna be back soon." The blonde said as he sat on he hammock beside Louis.

"Where'd he go?" Louis asked in a monotone voice.

"I don't know." Niall shrugged. "Some errand, he said he'd be back after lunch, and lunch was a while ago..."

As he trailed off, Louis made no effort to even pretend to be listening.

"Speaking of, were you at lunch? Because we didn't see you..." He tried to continue.

"No." Louis replied, keeping his eyes on the water.

"Oh," Niall answered awkwardly. "Um, why?"

"Wasn't hungry." Louis sighed before standing up quickly.

"U-Um," Niall stuttered as he rushed to stand up with him and follow him off the beach. "Hey, uh, are you okay, Louis?"

"Peachy." Louis stated, still not turning around to look at the Irish lad, who was struggling to keep up.

"Louis," Niall tried, but he was ignored. "Louis!"

Still no response.

"LOU!" This time, Niall reached out and spun his shoulder around so they were facing.

For the first time that afternoon, they made eye contact and Niall could see that his eyes were red and puffy. There were tear tracks on his cheeks too, and when he saw, Niall's face softened.

Louis didn't say anything, he just stared back at Niall, his emotions written clearly in his eyes. They were wet and sad, full of confusion and pain.

Niall looked back sadly, putting a hand on his friend's shoulder as he spoke.

"I miss him too." The blonde admitted.

It was only then, that Louis collapsed into a sea of tears as he buried his head in Niall's shoulder, letting it all overcome him yet again.



All eyes turned to the breathless boy who burst into the dining hall.

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