24. See The Light

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[ ps. this is probably my favourite song from Disney ever ]

24. See The Light (From "Tangled")

It's warm and real and bright and the world has somehow shifted. All at once everything seems different, now that I see you.


All Harry could see was the beautiful tree. The old oak had lit up with all the fairies inside, dancing and making music, and really, it was just magical.

Harry pulled back from the kiss with a smile, keeping his hands on Louis' cheeks. They just smiled at each other for a moment, but Harry couldn't help it.

So he surged down and captured Louis' lips in his again, kissing him hard. He couldn't control himself, Louis was just too mesmerizing.

When Louis pulled back from the second kiss, he gave Harry's hips a small squeeze.

"What was that for?" He asked with a giggle.

"I missed you." Harry shrugged, circling his arms around Louis' neck as their foreheads rested together. "Gathering fruits is boring, especially when I have to do it without you."

"Aw Haz." Louis cooed, giving Harry's waist another squeeze before wriggling out of his grasp all together.

"So I brought some blankets." Louis continued, going over to his bag. "If we find some wood, we can start a fire?"

"Sure." Harry nodded, walking over to him with a smile.

So the two of them set off into the woods, gathering some larger logs and smaller sticks to start a fire. The whole time, they shared small smiles and flirty signals, but not many words.

With those two, they didn't need to speak much. They knew that they were okay, and so they didn't need words to keep the situation out of awkwardness, just having each other there was enough.

Once they were back to their clearing, there were even more fairies in the tree. So much so, that they didn't really need the fire for light, only for warmth.

As they got closer to the tree, Harry dropped his armful of wood in a pile as he lifted his head.

"Can you hear that?" Harry asked.

"Hear what?" Louis answered, also putting his sticks on the pile and turning to Harry.

"That sound." Harry said again, looking around as he tried to figure out what it was. "It sounds like... music."

"Yeah," Louis laughed and stepped closer to him, pointing to the tree. "It's them."

"The fairies?" Harry asked, getting closer to the trunk.

"Yeah," Louis nodded, taking Harry's hand. "Come see."

He pulled the younger boy forwards and climbed onto the large roots so they could peer into one of the holes.

Harry gasped when he saw what was inside. It wasn't the first time he'd seen it, but the sight was enough to make him breathless all over again.

There were a whole pile of fairies playing tiny instruments, a slow waltz song, and a few couples dancing. It was like a fairies ball, and it was beautiful.

"Woah," Harry breathed, taking it all in. Louis smiled, circling one arm around Harry's waist as the younger boy watched the inside with a grin and wide eyes.

"Come here." Louis whispered in his ear, pulling Harry away from the tree. They climbed down off the root Louis started walking backwards, facing Harry as he pulled him closer by the hand.

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