29. Someday My Prince Will Come

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29. Someday My Prince Will Come (From "Snow White")

Someday my prince will come, someday we'll meet again. And away to his castle we'll go, to be happy forever I know.


Every morning since they'd devised the plan, they had tried to put it into action but every time, Harry had just not been able to reach the enclosure. But that didn't matter, they were still going to try every day, because they knew it was going to work eventually.

A week later after they'd started, Harry woke up to the sounds of Tink whispering to him.

"Harry!" She hissed, trying to keep quiet, but also trying to wake him. "Harry! Wake up!"

Harry slowly uncurled himself from the hard wooden floor and rubbed his eyes. He tried to sit up, but couldn't bring himself to do it.

"What is it, Tink?" He mumbled as he stayed lying on the floor, looking to the soft glow of the fairy.

He then realized that it was moving. Like the room was spinning and he couldn't focus his eyes.

"Are you okay?" She asked. "Sit up."

Harry gathered all his strength and pressed his hands to the floor, trying desperately to haul his body up, but he collapsed on himself.

"I-I can't," He breathed, his cheek resting on the wet wood. "I c-can't."

It was then that he realized his lack of food was beginning to take its toll. He hadn't been eating the food that the pirates had given him because it looked almost inedible and the only drink he had was a single cup of water each day.

"Harry!" Tink gasped. "What's happened?"

"I don't know." Harry breathed again, out of all energy. "M'tired."

Tink covered her mouth with her hand as she finally saw Harry's face. He looked in shocking condition. His face was white and his eyes dull. His cheeks were more hollowed and he looked downright miserable.

"You're not." Tink shook her head. "You need to eat something."

"M'not hungry." Harry answered, closing his eyes. "Sleep now."

"No!" Tink exclaimed. "Do not go back to sleep. The food will be here soon, you need to help get me out of here so we can get you out of here. You're not okay, Harry."

"M'fine." Harry answered, curling back into his ball that he'd been sleeping in.

"Don't you dare," Tink warned him. "Don't fall asleep."

She was desperately worried that if he went back to sleep, he wouldn't wake up. He looked terrible. He had been down in the dingy dungeon for weeks now and looked terrible. He was pale and skinny, getting more and more fragile with each passing day.

"Harry!" Tink hissed and he opened his eyes again. "Harry, please! You can't give up, we're so close."

"We're- We-" Harry stuttered as he finally pushed himself up and leant back against the wall. He stopped to catch his breath. "We're not close, Tink."

"We are!" She answered, pressed up against the glass of the lantern as she watched him worriedly. "We are so close."

"I-I don't feel okay." Harry mumbled before he started to shiver. "M'cold."

"I can hear him coming." TInk looked the roof as she heard the familiar footsteps going towards the hatch. "Harry, please try, for me."

"Okay." Harry breathed as he started to move closer to the metal bars separating him from Tink's lantern.

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