22. Reflection

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22. Reflection (From "Mulan")

Who is that girl I see staring straight back at me? When will my reflection show who I am inside?


That night after dinner, Harry was on dishes duty.

Louis begged and begged him to ditch it so that they could hang out, but Harry wouldn't. He was a goody-two-shoes at heart and no one could change that.

And when Louis asked if he could help, everyone turned him down too.

Harry had become quite popular on the island, everyone wanted to be his friend because he was just too damn nice to everyone. Anyone who got the chance to hang out with him, even if it was just dishes duty, would be crazy to turn him down.

So no one would swap chores with Louis, leaving him alone all night with the other boys while Harry did the dishes.

Brooke and Jesy were also there, along with some other girls and guys, but Harry was too sad to speak to anyone else expect the girls he trusted.

He was standing in-between them, his hands in the trough of water as he wiped the wooden crockery clean, passing it to Jesy who then dried it.

"Harry?" Brooke snapped him out of his daze as she passed him a small coconut cup. "Are you okay?"

Harry blinked a few times and looked at her, giving her a brief smile as he dunked the cup in the water and started scrubbing.

"Yeah." He sighed.

"Harry," Jesy put her hand on his shoulder as she gave him a serious look. "What's up?"

Harry passed the cup to her and rested his hands on the edge of the trough, taking a deep breath.

"I just- I miss my family." He said in a small voice and both the girls cooed.

"Oh Harry," Brooke put her hand over his. "We're your family now."

"Yeah," Jesy agreed. "We all love you."

"I know." Harry smiled at her. "And I love you all too. But still, they're my sisters. And my parents..." He trailed off. "I'm already starting to forget their faces."

"I get it, honey." Brooke told him. "I remember the day I realized I didn't know who my brother was."

"You had a brother?" Harry asked.

"Yeah," Brooke nodded. "Though I only know that because I was reminded by Pan. I have no clue what he looks like or his name."

"Oh," Harry looked down. "But I don't want to forget. My sisters are my world."

"This is your world, Harry." Jesy said. "You live here now."

"I know," Harry nodded. "But I miss them, so much."

"You can go home, you know." Brooke whispered sadly. "He can take you back if you wanted to go."

"I don't know if I could leave." Harry let out a sad chuckle. "I think I'd miss you all too much."

"You'd forget us eventually." She continued, a bittersweet smile on her face. "Our two worlds, they don't mix. They can't coexist, it's one or the other. You can't know both, you have to choose which to remember."

"I know." Harry nodded as he sniffled. "But I want both. I can't choose."

Jesy turned him by the shoulder and engulfed him a hug, burying her face in his shoulder as Harry held onto her for comfort.

"If you want to be happy," Jesy whispered. "You're going to have to, you can't split yourself like this. You'll go crazy."

"I know." Harry whispered.


An hour later, Harry was finished the dishes and was back with Louis. It was just the two of them, lying on Harry's bed together.

When Harry had come back from his chores, he found Louis alone in the bedroom and he immediately went to him and hugged him.

And Louis didn't question it, he just held him and laid them down on the bed, holding him close.

Harry wasn't crying, he was just sad. And he wanted a hug from Louis, so he did.

Louis had his arm around Harry's shoulder as he rested his head in the crook of Louis' neck.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Louis asked, looking down at the younger boy. Harry made a face, but nodded sitting up a little so he could see eye to eye with Louis.

"I miss my family." He confessed with a pout. "And I don't know what to do."

"What do you mean?" Louis asked.

"I'm starting to forget them," Harry continued. "And I don't want to, but the only way to remember is to go back home. But I don't want to go home and forget this place."

"Oh," Louis said in a small voice. He didn't know what to say. He wanted to sympathies with him, but he didn't know his family anymore. And if Harry asked him what he should do, he was always going to ask him to stay. Louis didn't want to lose him.

"I don't know what to do..." Harry repeated, burying his head back on Louis' collar bone.

"Would it help for you to talk about them?" Louis asked. "About your family, I mean."

Harry nodded and smiled, tracing his finger up and down Louis' chest.

"I have two younger sisters, they're six and eleven." Harry began. "Gemma is 11 and Darcie is 6."

"That sounds adorable." Louis gave him a little squeeze.

"Yeah, Gems used to tell stories to Darc and I about Neverland, actually." Harry continued, a blissful smile on his face as he remembered.

"We were all at the same orphanage. I had been there all my life and when Gemma and Darc arrived, I don't know... we just sort of clicked. I know they're not my real sisters, but they feel like it. I love them."

"I can tell." Louis whispered, pressing a kiss to the top of Harry's head.

"We were all adopted by the same people, so now we're a real family." Harry continued. "We had only been there a few days, actually. And, well, now I'm here."

"Now you're here." Louis repeated, smiling down at him. Harry tilted his head upwards to grin back at him. "And you have no idea how thankful I am that you are."

Harry hummed in agreement as Louis leaned down, their noses brushing. Then, Louis softly connected their lips, kissing him tenderly.

Harry turned so they were face to face and cupped Louis cheek as he kissed him back.

"So am I." Harry answered when they pulled back, their foreheads resting against each other's.

He kissed him again, smiling against his lips before snuggling back down in Louis' embrace.

They didn't speak after that, they just enjoyed each other's company.

And as Harry drifted off to sleep, he couldn't help but feel like his decision just became a little harder.






thanks for all the support on this story so far, its definitely my most favourite to write and i'm just glad you all like it too!




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