11. I Wonder

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11. I Wonder (From "Sleeping Beauty")

I wonder why each little bird has someone to sing to sweet things to, a gay little love melody


After the five of them got their food, they returned to the table and back to their previous conversations.

Louis sat down next to Harry again, close enough so he could rest his hand on this thigh again.

When Harry felt him do that, he blushed and put his hand over Louis', giving it a little squeeze which made Louis smile.

"So," Louis piped up, turning to Harry while the others kept talking. "I have to go do something this morning." Harry pouted. "But I can hang out and teach you stuff this afternoon? If you like?"

He gave Harry his most hopeful, puppy-dog eyed, grin he could muster and Harry felt his heart flutter.

"Yeah," Harry nodded, smiling again as he blushed. "Okay!"

Any opportunity to hang out with Louis was worth taking, there was no way he was going to say no.

They stared into each other's eyes for a moment, getting lost as they smiled, but they were interrupted.

It was then that the other three decided to tune in.

"In the meantime, you can come with me?" Zayn offered. "I was going to hang out with the girls before we go down to the lagoon with Ni."

"Okay," Harry nodded again, smiling even wider with enthusiasm, making Louis' smile drop. But Harry didn't notice, he just continued laughing and talking with Zayn about the girls.

Louis sighed.

Seeing Harry that excited about hanging out with girls made Louis remember that Harry was straight, and he wasn't sure why that was making him feel so upset.

It wasn't as if he liked the kid, no way. They were just becoming really good friends and he didn't want to share him. Yeah, that was it.

Louis took his hand away from Harry's thigh as he scooted away a little bit, hurt. But Harry didn't even notice, he just continued talking, his own hand falling onto his thigh as if Louis' hand was never there.

He was so excited because he'd always been better at getting along with girls, and the prospect of having them as friends made him really happy.

He wanted more friends on the island and being around girls would make him feel more at home.

He was sure of it.

Because he secretly hoped that they would remind him of his sisters.

So as they all went back to eating, the grin stayed firmly on his face, unaware of how Louis was feeing.

He chewed away happily, thinking about what the girls would be like and how they would be, if they liked him or not.

When he went to give Louis' hand a squeeze, he didn't feel a hand. He frowned and looked down at his leg, and saw that Louis' was gone.

He looked to his side and realized that Louis had moved away.

"Hey," Harry whispered while the others spoke. "You okay?"

"Yeah." Louis answered, sort of blunty as he faked a smile.

"O-Okay." Harry stuttered, slightly confused. He hadn't realized what he had done wrong.

But he put a hand on Louis leg anyway and gave it a quick squeeze before pulling it away and turning to Zayn.


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