19. Kiss the Girl

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the chapter name says it all, really




19. Kiss The Girl (From "The Little Mermaid")

And you don't know why but you're dying to try, you wanna kiss the girl (boy)


The next day, they slept most of the way through. Liam and Niall headed down to the lagoon again to see the mermaids and Zayn was who knows where with Perrie, apparently.

So when Harry woke up, he was alone in the bedroom. He frowned and sat up, looking around, having no clue where anyone was. Then he realized, he didn't particularly care. He hadn't been alone in what felt like such a long time and it was nice.

He thought about what happened the night before, about coming out to his friends and he was happy he did it. It was important to him that they knew who he really was and he felt like a weight had been lifted off his shoulders now that Louis knew too.

Then Harry remembered that Niall also told him that Louis was like him, in that he didn't like girls. And that made Harry hopeful, though he had no idea how he was goin to approach the fact that he had feelings for his best friend. Just because Louis liked boys, didn't mean that he liked Harry. He could see them as just friends still.

Harry let out a sigh. He didn't want to be discouraged and he didn't want to lose hope, so he tried to stay positive.

Maybe Louis did like him, hopefully Louis did like him...

Harry looked out the window and saw the sun high in the sky, a brilliant yellow against the bright blue. He smiled and let his head fall back down onto the pillow as he kept his eyes on the view, the sun warm on his face. It was nice.

Then, all of a sudden, his serenity was interrupted.

"Boo!" Louis shouted as the door burst open and Louis entered the room. "Did I scare ya?" He laughed and Harry just rolled his eyes.

"Sure," Harry propped his hands behind his head and looked at Louis as he waltzed over and sat on the bed by Harry's waist.

"Do you even know what time it is?" Louis asked, putting his hands on either side of Harry's head as he leaned down. "You've missed lunch."

Harry shrugged and grinned as Louis shook his head as he stared down into his eyes. Harry thought for a moment he was going to get lost in them, but before he could, they were gone.

"Lazy bum," Louis muttered, standing up and walking over to his trunk. "I was going to head out to the training grounds. It's practically empty right now and I could use some practice. You want to come?"

"Sure." Harry answered, getting out of bed.

So he got dressed and ran a hand through his hair before he and Louis left the room, stealing glances at each other as they went.


Harry and Louis spent the afternoon in the training yard, giggling like idiots as Louis tried to teach Harry various techniques. He really wasn't very good, and his excuse was that he wasn't a violent person, but Louis could see that he was just uncoordinated and laughed.

They ate dinner together, side-by-side as usual and mostly kept to themselves. Sharing secrets and comments while the other three just looked at them weirdy.

"Do you like sunsets?" Louis asked Harry just as they finished. Harry swallowed his mouthful and nodded.

"Yeah, I love them." He said, eyes sparkling as Niall kicked him under the table. Harry shot him a look, wiggling his eyebrows and making kissy faces until Harry kicked him back.

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