30. So This Is Love

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30. So This Is Love (From "Cinderella")

So this is love, mmm, so this is love. So this is the miracle I've been dreaming of, So this is love.


Louis woke up soundlessly. He simply opened his eyes and stared at the roof while the morning light filtered in through the window.

His mind was blank, as he had tried to push every memory of Harry out of his mind. It hurt too much to think about the fact that the one boy who he cared most about on the island, had left without so much as a goodbye.

It had been 3 weeks, and he couldn't break out of his cloud of negativity.

He was crushed, and everyone had noticed.

The girls tried to cheer him up by keeping him busy, inviting him to the lagoon and to the beach and whatnot.

The boys had suggested doing some extra training with him, seeing if that would help him to not think about the green-eyed lad. But it didn't work.

Nothing could make him any happier, he was just an empty shell of a human without Harry around.

"Morning," Someone mumbled as they woke up too, but Louis didn't answer.

Instead, he swung his legs over the edge of the bed and climbed out, walking over to his trunk to find something to wear.

A week ago, the fairies had arrived with some new clothes they'd made for everyone. And they had a batch for Harry.

Liam had thanked them and took the clothes to put in Harry's trunk, because no one really wanted to acknowledge that he was really gone.

If they kept pretending, it didn't hurt as much.

But what the other boys didn't know, was that Louis had taken some of them for himself, wanting to shroud himself in the memory.

But that morning, when he looked into the trunk and saw the oversized, green garments staring back at him, he couldn't bring himself to put them on.

He gulped and stuffed them down the side, trying to hide them amongst the rest of his things, before grabbing some of his own clothes.

"Lou?" He turned around to see Zayn sitting up in his bed, rubbing his eyes. "You okay?"

"Yeah." Louis answered emotionlessly.

"Do you want to do something today?" He asked. "Just us two?"

"I thought you'd be with Perrie." Louis sassed. "She's all you seem to be worried about these days."

"I'm sorry," Zayn frowned. "I didn't mean to ignore you guys, I just got caught up these past few weeks."

"Okay, sure." Louis rolled his eyes.

"I am sorry, Louis." He continued. "Uh, so did you want to do something today? I'm all free, promise."

Louis gave him a look, as if judging whether or not he was telling the truth, and then whether or not he was worth it.

"Sure." He replied, eventually, and Zayn smiled a little.

"Okay," Zayn nodded, hauling himself out of his bed to get dressed.

Then, the two of them went to breakfast while the other two still slept, considering it was early.

Once they had their food, they sat down opposite each other, silent as they ate. Zayn watched Louis carefully, seeing how he played around with the eggs rather than just eating.

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