Chapter 22

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The ladies finished their lunch and lingered over a cup of tea. Mihriban had not spoken another word about how she felt she could help Sanem and it was driving the young girl crazy. She didn't want to push her luck by asking so she waited.

"Do you remember me talking about my farm?"

Finally! "Evet."

"Well, it is actually an estate but I call it the farm because I have a small garden on my land and some fruit trees.  It is still in Istanbul but outside of the city. Driving it takes almost thirty minutes to get there. I have a young man and woman who help me take care of the land. They are not related and have become friends, they are not boyfriend girlfriend, just friends.  When I met them they both needed a place outside of the city to heal their souls. The farm has a way of healing our hearts and souls. I know because this is where I went over my heart was broken."

Sanem was wondering why she would tell her this but she listened.

"My mother owned the property and lived there with one of my step-fathers, actually he was the closest man I have ever had to a father. When my mother passed he lived there for a couple of years and then decided he wanted to travel. The property was mine according to my mother's will but I would have never asked him to leave. It was and still is his home as far as I am concerned."

Sanem continued to listen as the older woman spoke.

"Bulut, had a very stressful job and the demands made on him ripped his soul apart. He is a good man and the things he seen and had to do for his company didn't settle well with him. I had dealings with that company and Bulut had worked with me at times. He is a very compassionate and honest young man. One day I noticed he didn't seem to be happy and I asked him to join me for tea. We talked for a long time and he told me of his plans to sell his shares in the company. He told me he could no longer deal with how people treated each other. He said the hatred he saw in others was something he didn't want to affect his life any longer. I told him about my farm and how I had went there to heal myself and I offered him a place to stay in exchange for his help with the garden and fruit trees."

Sanem was still a little confused as to where the conversation was going but she sat quietly and listened.

"Deniz, is another matter. She is a beautiful young girl, who's parents scolded her for everything she did. After her father passed away, things became worse for her. Her mother always picking and nagging, telling her she would never amount to anything. Her mother treated her so bad, always degrading the young girl.  She had no self-esteem. The poor thing, had a breakdown and still her mother called her and demand she do this or that, basically used the girl like hired help. I met Deniz when she was in a support group a friend of mine works with. The girl also needed a place, one where her mother could not find her.  I guess you can say the farm is a place for those whos' souls and hearts needed mending. A place to heal. A place that is peaceful and provides security and support from others."

"So they both live on the farm with you?"

"Evet! You see when you work with your hands and take care of the earth, your soul heals. Well, that is what I believe.""

 Sanem was still a little confused "How long have you know Bulut and Deniz?"

"Bulut was an attorney in the law firm I used, so I had known him through the firm for about two years, he has lived on the estate almost two years. Deniz, she has lived on the estate for about eight months. I had seen her in group, when I helped out. She had been in group about four months before I really started to get to know her. She is really quite funny. A lovely girl, who just needed someone to build her up instead of tearing her down."

Sanem had a look of confusion on her face, the thoughts in her head showing on her expressive face.

The older woman looked at Sanem and smiled "I am offering you the same safe place. One that would allow you to come home but still have your privacy. I have a couple of other cabin besides my house on the property. One of them is behind my house, far enough away for some privacy and hidden from the road so if someone were to come looking, they would only see my house.  Bulut and Deniz' places are on the other side of the estate, not far but closer to the vegetable garden. There is a lovely dock that sits by the sea and land for miles."

"You would really let me stay there? I could live there and not have to tell anyone where I lived unless I wanted to."


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