Chapter 7

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Leyla's POV

My anne asked me to go wake up Sanem this morning, as usual when she has a fight with Can, she wants to stay in bed and not go to work.  I knock on her door and there is no answer. I knock again.

"Sanem, it's me, can I come in?"  strange there is no answer,  I go to look to see if she is taking a shower and no the bathroom door is open. I walk back to her room, knock again and just open the door. 

Her room and bed is empty and made, which is a first, usually Anne has to tell her a hundred times to make her bed. She still likes to open the store for Baba so I guess she has gone there. Sometimes I want to bop her on the head for not telling anyone where she is going.

As I turn to leave, I see there is an envelope on her pillow, I go pick it up and see it is addressed to Anne and Baba, but it isn't sealed so I open it and pull out the note.  As I read, it I start to look around her room. The closet door is open and half of her clothes are gone, as are most of her journals and the items she uses to make her creams. 

I run from the room, screaming for Anne, when I arrive in the kitchen, I am now crying.

"Leyla, you will wake the neighborhood with your screams" Anne says as she turns toward me "What is going on? Why are you crying?"

"Sanem, has left! She left this note to explain." I say as I hand her the note. 

"Go find you Baba, girl. I will need him." Mevkibe says as she sits down in the nearest chair, opening the letter to read. I rush out to find Baba.

My phone starts to ring and I see Can's name come up, maybe it is Sanem.

"Sanem" I say.

"Leyla, this is Can! Sanem is not answering her phone, she must have left it turned off. Can you hand her your phone, please."

"I can't talk to you right now" I say and hang up the phone. I run and find Baba and tell him Anne needs him in the kitchen. He goes without questions as he sees me crying. After he leaves, I call Emre, I am making no sense on the phone so he says he will be at the house soon and we hang up.

Whatever happened between Can and Sanem is bad because she has never walked away from him before, she always forgives him, she has always forgiven everyone for their part in hurting her. 

I walk outside to wait for Emre, tears will not stop falling from my eyes. I have been a bad sister, I think back to all that has happened, how Emre played a part in using and hurting Sanem and I blamed her until there was so much proof that he was evil that I finally walked away. Then, Sanem talked with him, it took her a while to fully trust him but they had become friends and Emre had changed for the better, he was a better man because of my abla. And she was gone because of his abi.

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