Chapter 46

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The week ended up being very quiet, Ms. Tekin had not contacted the agency again and Can was sure that they were trying to make sure they had a fool proof plan in effect but what they didn't know was an advantage for Can.

He had stayed away from the farm, just in case someone was watching him but tonight he planned on going to the mountain hut, he had decided to keep to his regular routine so that there were not any suspicions.  Sanem would already be there and no one would suspect anything with him going away for the weekend. 

He wanted to leave in an hour but he still had a few things to finish, Deren walked into his office, just as his phone rang, he looked to see who was calling and was surprised to see Polen's number appear, he let the call go to voice mail. 

Deren needed Can's approval on one of the ad campaigns before she sent it to the printers. His phone beeped several times with incoming calls and text.

"Can if you need to take that call I can leave."

"No, it is Polen and I don't need to hear anything she has to say."

They wanted for another half hour and he called it quits. He told Deren he needed some down time away from all the stress, he would have his phone but he only wanted calls if it were important. They said their goodbyes and as he was walking to his truck he text Sanem he was on his way. She text back already there, will be waiting inside.

He stopped to pick some a couple of fish sandwiches and a bottle of wine and then headed toward the mountain hut. He kept watch to see if anyone happened to be following him, at one time he thought there was a car following him but it turned off shortly after leaving the city. He couldn't wait to see Sanem, he had missed her and after waking up with her in his arms, he wanted that to wake up that way again.  He took the turn toward the mountain and noticed that the car that had turned off was following him again, it was at a distance but the color and make of the car were the same.

He quickly dialed Sanem and told her he would be a little longer, he wanted to make sure that no one was following him. He past the turn off to the hut and made a stop at a local store, he parked his truck toward the back of the store and went inside. He watched as the car that was behind him drove on.  He was still sure the car was following him. 

Can had met and talked with the owner of the store many times when he was headed to the mountain hut, so he asked him if there was a back road to the mountain, one where he wouldn't have to get back on the main road and no one would notice him leaving. The owner shook his head and pointed out toward the back of the store.

"It will be a rough ride, the road is not paved or graveled and the weather has caused many potholes in the dirt."

"It's ok, someone is following me and I am not sure why."

"You will see the trail from where my sons use the road to ride their dirt bikes, go about half a mile and then take the right fork in the road it will bring you back out to the main road. I won't say anything if anyone comes in asking about you."

"Thanks I really appreciate it." he said and left the store from the back door, got in his truck and drove away.  He had given the owner his number to text if anything happened.

He had just arrived at the hut when he received a text "Dark hair man with funny accept, spoke turkish but sounded italian came in asking if I knew where the man in the gray truck had gone. Told him you left the store and I wasn't paying attention as to which direction you went. He was pissed."

Can replied "Thanks, he is a pretty bad man, caused me a lot of trouble and is trying to start more now."

Can went inside and grabbed Sanem, held her close and then kissed her sweetly on the lips.

"Are you ok? I can see you are upset."

"Yes, someone was following me but I lost him."

"Ah, Can. Who?"

"Sounds like it was Fabri." He told her about stopping at the store and how the owner had just text him that an italian guy speaking turkish came in to ask which direction I had went. I am glad I told him about the trouble with Fabri."

She hugged Can, needing to feel the safety of his arms. 

Monday Morning

Can's POV

The weekend was just what I needed after finding out for sure that Fabri was following me, I had text Metin, told him if I was really needed Emre would know how to find me, turned off my phone and just enjoyed being with Sanem.

I can see through the glass door of my office, that Deren and Metin are both headed my way. Neither looking happy. Deren knocks and then opens the door and they walk in. 

"What is going on?"  I ask.

"We need to wait, Aslan wanted to speak to you and I called Metin in case he was needed. He should be here in a few minutes."

I looked up when there is a knock on the door and motion for Aslan to come in. 

"Can Bey, someone attempted to entered the agency over the weekend. Since we talked I have had my men working alternating shifts so that someone is here all the time. There was a notification from one of the tracers that someone was tampering with one of the cameras in the stairwell."

"Did they catch who it was?"

"No, I have my men using radios to keep in touch, so they must have heard them talking and left. But, the tracers worked. Also there is footage from the video and I have uploaded that to your email."

"Thank you, I will look at it and get back to you."

"Thank you, Sir." as he turned to walk out Can stopped him.

"How many men do you have?"

"Including myself, I have two men on from close of the agency til midnight and then two come in after midnight til we open then I have three men on during working hours."

"That leaves you a little short staffed."

"Yes, sir but the guys don't mind the change, it can get a little boring working days, nothing usually happens. And they can take breaks with two being on each shift."

"I want you to hire more men termporarily until this mess is over. But, hire men you trust, I can't afford to have someone take a payoff to get to me or my family."

"I have four brother and six cousins, all who are ex military and now work security, my one brother owns his own security firm, if it ok, then I will ask a few of them."

"Good, if you think you need six men that would be good, if you need more than let me know."

"Yes, Can Bey."

"Aslan" he said as the man was getting ready to walk out the door "Thank you."

Aslan nodded and walkon. 

"Let's look at the video" said Metin. 

"Emre and Baba should be here soon, let's wait for them." 

Deren's phone rang, she looked at the caller ID. "Can!" she said "Did you not speak to Polen?"

"No, why?"

"She is calling me."

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