Chapter 25

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Sanem pulled between the two stone gates, looking around in awe as she drove slowly down the drive toward the estate. It was the start of summer in Istanbul and the land was lush and green, the trees full of buds and flowers blooming everywhere.

 She couldn't see Mirhiban's house but she had told Sanem that it was a little ways back. Her mother wanting her home off the beaten path, so she had built the house so that no one could drive right up to the door.  She drove a little further down the drive and a beautiful cabin came into view.

She stopped the car and stepped out, stretched to relieve her sore muscles. She looked around, she could see a couple of walking paths and wondered where they led. 


She turned to see her friend walking out the door of her home. She waved and started walking in her direction. The two friends hugged each other tightly.

"How was your drive?"

"Tiring but well worth to it to see this beautiful place."

"Does anyone know you are back?"

"No, I told Leyla I would be returning to Istanbul but didn't tell her when I would be back or where I was staying. I plan on keeping that secret a little longer, at least the being back as far as telling anyone where I am living, that will be my secret a little longer."

"When are you going to see you parents?"

"I thought I would give myself a couple of days to get settled, maybe Tuesday or Wednesday of next week."

"That's sound good. Come on let me show you where you will be living and then I will have Bulut help with your bags."

"I would appreciate his help, I don't have much but I am so tired from driving I am not sure I could handle it by myself." she stopped for a second and pointed at the paths headed away from Mirhiban's house. "Where do these paths lead?"

"Come on I will show you the property first." as they walked Mirhiban told Sanem about the land "This path  leads toward the garden, there is a path off that one that leads to the fruit trees and another one that leads toward Bulut and Deniz' houses. From there is a path that leads back to our houses, just in a different direction."

She pointed out things as they walked along and soon they came to the garden where a young man was picking vegetables. She introduced Sanem to Bulut and asked about Deniz. He told her Deniz had gone to town for her session. Bulut had told them he would be happy to help with Sanem's bags for them to text him and he would come right away. 

They walked back toward the path that lead to the left. "This one leads toward the coast, we have a beautiful view of the ocean with a dock, there is even a place for a couple of boats to tie up but it is a private dock so they have to have permission."

They continued to walk that way and when they came around a short bend the dock and ocean came into view, Sanem could not keep the smile off her face. They stood for a few minutes then turned around  back toward the cabins.

"I am sure I will be spending a lot of time on the dock."  They continued to walk toward some small trees, and when they rounded another  bend Sanem gasp. In front of her was one of the most beautiful homes she had ever seen. The cabin was made from huge logs and stones and had windows that stood from the top to the bottom of the house. She could see into the house and it appeared to be a kitchen with a sitting area. She noticed a smaller building toward the back of the cabin, she would have to ask about it.

"What do you think?"

"Oh, my it is beautiful. Is this the house for me?"

"Evet, the kitchen and living area are one big room, there is a small dining area there also, and there are two bedrooms with an ensuite in each room. There is also another partial bath just down the hallway from the kitchen."

 They walked in and Sanem could tell she would enjoy living here between the lovely home and the coast close by, she had all she could want. They walked back to her car, running into Bulut, who helped her with her bags.

Sanem couldn't keep from yawning and Mirhiban told her to nap and she would come back and help her unpack her bags. If she wanted they could all have dinner together out by her pool. Sanem agreed, after the two had left she walked through the house and decided she would take the back bedroom. She laid down on the bed and quickly fell asleep.

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