Chapter 70

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Sanem wasn't sure what to do, they had been sitting for over an hour, the sun was getting lower in the sky, the air was starting to get a chill.  Can had not moved or said a word since she read the letter. He hadn't responded when she said his name, when she touched his arm, he didn't move. And now she was starting to get scared., she had never seen him this way. Usually he would be screaming or throwing something. This Can frightened her. 

After a few more minutes, she text Mihriba that she needed them back at the farm, then text Bulut to ask him to come to the pier and to help her get Can back to the house. Their day of celebration had ended with hurtful words from Huma again. She knew when he had time to think, he would realize that this was a good thing, She knew, he had missed out on years of love from his real mother but at least he could get know her now, he would know he had a good mother, one that would love him with everything she had.

Bulut walked up and Can did not move. Still hadn't responded to her touch or words, Bulut, looked at her and she could only shrugged. He finally walked over and kneeled beside Can, he placed his hand on his shoulder, Can turned to look at him.

"Can, we need to get Sanem home, she is cold, the sun is setting and she doesn't have a wrap with her." Bulut said. He knew that Can's protective sense would take over when he said those words.  Can turned and looked at Sanem. He stood and offered her his hand, she placed hers in his and stood. The three walked back to Sanem's house.

Bulut, stayed sitting down by Can and talking about anything he could think of to get a response from the other man. Sanem made tea and brought it over for them to drink. Withing the hour, Mirhiban and Aziz walked into Sanem's house. Bulut stood, told them if they needed him to call and left.

"Sanem, what is going?" asked Aziz.

"Can is in shock, I, I don't, well, the best way for me to explain is to let you read the letter Huma asked Metin to give Can." she said as she handed him Huma's letter. Aziz read the letter to himseld, looked at Mihriban then Can and then reread the letter again.

"This explains so much." he finally said, he went to sit by Can and took hold of his son's hand. "Can, I am here, it will be ok." Can looked at him, Sanem had never seen Can look so helpless, it was heartbreaking. 

Finally, Can spoke but it was barely a whisper "I now know why she didn't love me."

"Ah, Can, to tell you the truth I am not sure she really knew how to love. But, son you are right now you know that it wasn't anything you did but what she had done. I know it is hard to understand but she finally did the right thing by telling you the truth."

"She took years from me, years I could have been loved by my real mother." He said as he looked over at Mihriban. She was still confused as to what was going on.

"Can, you are right, she did a horrible thing to you, to us. But, maybe, she is trying to make it right. She could have kept her secret, maybe."

"There is no excuse for what she did. No way to explain this to me and expect me to forgive her."

"Aziz, what is happening?" Mihriban asked, he handed her Huma's letter to read. As she read, her heartbroke, tears fell from her eyes, she kept looking up at Can. "Can!" she cried until she was sure she had no more tears and then more fell from her eyes. "How could she? She took my child away from me. I was lost after I thought my child had died." 

She sit down and Sanem went over to comfort her. She kept watching Can, she knew he was devastated, she wanted to hold him so badly but she was afraid. Sanem gave her some encouragement "He needs you. He needs to be held by his Anne." she whispered.

She stood and walked over and sat down on the other side of Can. "My babek, my ogul, my cocuk." she placed her hand on Can's "I have missed you everyday of my life, I dreamed of you from the moment I knew you were in my belly." Everyone was now crying, Can was still quiet. "I dreamed of you still, wishing I had one day with you, even five minutes before they took you from me. My heart had, has so much love for you."

Sanem stood to leave the room and the three of them to talk but she stopped when she heard his voice "Sanem, don't leave me."

"I wasn't leaving just giving you all some time alone."

"No, I need you to be here, to be close. I need to be able to see you."

" Alright, I am not going. I will make a fresh pot of tea." she walked into the kitchen and Can never took his eyes off her. She soon returned with the tea and a tray of fruit and cheeses. No one spoke for a long time, each comprehending what had happened that day in their way.

"I am so tired, my mind doesn't know what to think. Can we talk tomorrow?" he asked.

"Son, it has been a long, hard day for all of us. We will be close by if you need us, Sanem can  call and we will walk over." Aziz stood along with Can. He hugged his son with all his strength, hoping Can could feel his love. Mihriban hugged him also and placed her hand on his face, he smiled at her "It will be ok. We will talk tomorrow." she said and walked away with Aziz.

"Sanem, can I sleep here?"

"Evet, but not here." she grabbed his hand and led him back to her room. They fell into bed and quickly slept from exhaustion, holding on to each, wrapped in each others' arms.

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