Chapter 56

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Metin called and proceeded to tell Can that the car was a rental and it was Fabri who had rented the car. Seems he wasn't taken his bail seriously but Metin told him unless he entered the building, their homes or approached any of them or the staff then he could sit in that car twenty-four, seven.

Can hung up and immediately text Sanem that they needed to talk, he would call her later. She just text back ok. He was going to lose his mind, he couldn't understand why these people felt that they needed to cause such trouble.

He then had Deren call a staff meeting for every employee and he gave the staff the information that Metin had told him. He said that also went for Aylin and Huma and they were to tell either him, Emre or Aziz, if any of these showed up or approached them. If  they were not there then they could tell Deren or Leyla. Again he stressed that security was available to all employees. 

Right as they finished the meeting his phone rang.


"Can, this is Marifetli Tekin, with Cesur Kadin."

"Yes, Ms. Tekin, what can I do for you?"

"Well, there are lots of things I would like for you to do for me, but right now I need to know if we are going to be able to do business together."

"I believe so, I just have to convince my father, he is unsure since you have a connection to his ex-wife and he doesn't deal well with her."

"I understand but like I said she is an old friend of my Anne's and she asked me to let her join me in our first meeting. It won't happen again."

"Well, then I will speak to him and call you later today with our decision."

"Can, I hope we can work together, I really would like to get to know you better."

"I will let you know."  he hung up the phone and shook his head, women today was so forward, he had always hated women who were that forward, confident  yes, forward and pushy no. 

He walked back to his office, texting Emre and Aziz that they needed to meet. He then text Metin that he had been contacted again by Marifetli Tekin, Metin stated he would come to the agency as soon as he was done in court.

Sanem was wondering about Can's text, he hadn't said much but that was when she knew something was about to happen. 

"Maybe you need to get out of town for a while." said her inner voice.

"You mean run?"

"No, I mean, make it known you are somewhere else other than Istanbul. Do a book reading somewhere."

"I can't leave Can at this time!"

"You are a distraction to him, he has to deal with what these people are trying to do and with being concerned that you are safe."

Sanem shook her head, maybe for once she should take her inner voice's advise. She walked toward Mirhiban's house to seek her advise. She knocked on the door and entered when she heard Mirhiban yell come in.

"I need your advise."

"Ok, what can I help you with?"

"I was thinking that maybe I should go away for a few days, make my presence known somewhere else so that Huma does realize I am in Istanbul."

"You mean, like doing a book reading somewhere."


"I think that would be perfect and I will go with you. I need a few days to think and Bulut can take care of the farm. We can take Deniz with us."

"Evet! A girl's trip but we cannot let Huma know we are together."

"Agreed, no pictures of us together, but we can shop and have lunch out. Call your agent and tell her to sign you up for one and I will go tell Deniz."

The two went their separate ways. Sanem called her agent and told her she would like to do one or two more book readings. Then she called Emir to ask if it would be ok if she and a couple of her friends came and stayed at the house for a few days. She told him she would be doing a couple of book readings and then they wanted a few days by the sea to relax. He told her both he and Belgin would be happy to see her again and let him know when she was coming and he would have the house ready. She told him she missed them both and couldn't wait to see him.

She was at the house putting some things in a bag, she wanted to take her creams to work on and a couple of journals in case she wanted to write. Her phone rang as she put the last bottle in the bag.


"Sanem, It is Engin, I hear you want to do a couple of book readings."


"I have a friend who has opened a book store recently and she could use your help, if you were to read there it would help her business."

"I would be happy to read at your friend's store, maybe set up a couple of reading times there and one at another city close by then I am off to visit your parents."  She didn't tell him that anyone was going with her, she needed to keep Mirhiban a secret. She just hoped Can would not be angry over her decision to leave Istanbul, she had to make sure she explained her reasons perfectly.

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