Chapter 27

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Can hung up his phone, sitting on the veranda had given him some privacy for the call from Sanem but he knew the questions would start as soon as he walked back into the house. He had been trying to think of some way to get Huma to leave Istanbul, but now that Emre had made public his relationship with Leyla he was sure Huma would hang around to try and break the two up.

He finally stood and walked back in and he was right, Huma was standing in the living room waiting for him. He hated lies but he knew he would not tell her that Sanem was coming back to Istanbul.

"Well, you sure look happy. What was that call about?"

 "Not that it is any of your business, but, it was a call I have been waiting on for a while now."

"At least, you won't be sitting around waiting for that mahalla girl."

Can gave a little laugh "You know Huma, I have tried to tolerate your nastiness to Sanem but I  have had enough!"

"Do not speak to me in that tone, I am your mother!"

"You are not my mother, you might have given me birth but you have not been my mother for a long time. You know I only gave you this chance because of Emre and his wanting us to make peace but after all you have done to make sure Sanem and I parted I am through with you." He started to walk away but turned "I want you to pack your bags and leave this house tonight, I will make sure what you can't take with you will be delivered."

"You can't make me leave this house, Emre wants me here!"

"Well, since this is our father's house and not Emre or mine's then I am sure a call to my father will let you know that you are not wanted in this house. You have an hour to get what you can packed and leave." He turned and walked away again, Emre stood watching the whole scene.

"Emre, talk some sense into your brother."

"I am afraid, I agree with him it is time for you to leave this house. I tried to make things good between the two of you but you have done everything in your power to separate the two of them and now that you have you, I am not going to allow you to turn that hatred on Leyla." Emre turned "As Can said you have an hour to leave this house, I might even suggest if you still want any kind of relationship with me, that you leave Istanbul also."

"I won't let the two of you bully me."

"Don't like it when the tables are turned, mother?" He then turned and left her standing alone in the living room.

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