Chapter 2

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Sanem had the taxi driver drop her off at Ayhan and Osman's house, she wasn't ready for the questions she knew her anne would ask if she saw her tear streaked face.

Ayhan held her friend in her arms as she cried and told them what had happened and how Can had treated her. She could see by the look on his face that Osman was getting mad. She almost didn't tell them about him grabbing her arms but she did and Osman's face turned red.

"He is a bully, Sanem!" he said "I don't know how you can still love this man."

"I have made a lot of mistakes, I wish I had done what you said in the beginning and told Can the truth then maybe he would be able to trust me now. But, you know how much family means to me and I was afraid if I told him about Emre, it would cause trouble between the two brothers and I couldn't be the reason they didn't speak to each other."

"What about your trust in him? Is it ok for him to question your actions while he has his old girlfriend staying at his house, or he flirts with women in front of you." Osman was upset "And you telling Can about Emre wouldn't have been the cause of trouble between the two brothers, Emre did that all on his own. The sad thing is Can found out and was still mad at you. And every time he doesn't get his way he threatens to leave."

"I know but understand why he leaves, he is afraid of being left behind." she said.

"Sanem, quit making excuses for his bad behavior. Yes, you did some bad things but you didn't know the truth and were used by someone that you thought was a better person."

She nodded her head and then continued her story about what had happened at the mountain hut.

 When she got to the part about giving the cream to Polen to prove her point, Ayhan laughed. 

"I hope it stunk on her." she laughed. 

Sanem laughed also "I believe it didn't smell quite as good on her."

"What are you going to do?" asked Osman, he didn't want to hear anymore about Can at the moment.

"I am going to have to find a new job. I can't continue to work at the agency even if he leaves, there would be too many memories there." she stopped and sighed.

"I think it would be best for you to get away from it all." said Ayhan.

 "I wish I could just go somewhere and work and write my novel, but I can't afford to move away. I mean I have saved some money, but I still need to pay the agency back my loan and most of what I have saved I would spend on transportation and finding a place to stay until I found a job."

"I will give you the money if you want to go." said Osman. 

"I agree, you need to get away from Can. Maybe if you leave him he will see you as he does others who have left him or maybe it will wake him up and he will see how much he truly loves and needs you." said Ayhan.  

"I am not sure he cares enough about to me to be hurt if I leave, maybe it will be a relief."

She cried even harder, she had always thought of Ayhan and Osman as family and they had always been there for her "I don't know what to do. I just can't take your money!" she said.

"Sanem, I have saved a lot of money from the modeling jobs and now the butcher shop is getting busy."

Ayhan laughed again "Yeah, all women hoping he will ask them out but he isn't over the snow queen." she rolled her eyes.

She shook her head "I still can't take your money."

"First of all, you are not taking my money, I am offering it to you. If it would make you feel better about accepting my offer then let's say it is a loan. We can do this, I will pay off your work loan and give you enough to be able to leave and live for a couple of months. This would be a loan from me and you can pay me back instead of the agency."

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