"I Think You and Me, We're Going to be Good Friends..."

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I walk out to the lobby and see a man holding a sign with my name on it. I walk to him, smile and say "hello, I'm Ms. Lopez" and he kindly leads me out the door and opens the door to an all black SUV waiting in the loading zone. I slide in and as soon as I hear the door close, I breathe a huge sigh. It felt like I'd been holding it in for hours. I felt overwhelmed. In a new country, working with THE biggest band on the planet and just getting to live this life, left me feeling like I didn't know how much more I could take.

The driver gets into the drivers seat, turns back at me and says "We will be arriving to the destination in 10 minutes m'am" he smiles at me and then turns his head in the direction toward the road and begins driving. I reach into my crossbody bag and pull my AirPods out and place them in my ears. I figured i'd take any spare time I could to get aquatinted with the music of BTS. I mean, I knew their more popular songs but not well enough to be able to pull them from a list. I open my Spotify app and search for a BTS playlist and hit shuffle. I close my eyes, lean my head back and focus on listening. The first song on the shuffle ends up being a soft, strumming sound and it's then followed by the most beautiful voice. The melody is slow and sweet but so captivating. I look down at my screen and see the song is called "Euphoria". I immediately open twitter and search for a fan translator account ( I know having worked with artists in other countries, that sometimes fan lead accounts provide the best translations) and search for the lyric translation.

As I'm searching for the lyrics, the beat drops, and the voice starts singing in English and I feel my stomach flip. The voice is warm, rich and so beautiful and I'm captivated. I start to read the lyrics and the butterflies in my stomach are only intensified. Such a simple song but the lyrics were so beautiful. I sit there with my mouth agape. Fuck...I was so out of my league here. I thought this band was just some happy, go lucky, boy band that just sings and dances around; I never assumed they'd have such incredible lyrics. The next song starts and again, I'm completely entranced. The production is beautiful and the voice... oh my god, that voice. It was the same voice as the first song. I was so curious who that delicious voice belonged to.

The car stops and I notice we're parked in front of a high rise building. The driver comes around and opens the door for me. I smile at him as I step out and grab my bag and walk to the front of the building to head inside. I walk in and notice the same three security guards from the hotel earlier and they nod at me and lead me to the elevator. I walk in and one of the men reaches in and presses the 12 button, looks at me and says "third door on the right hand side Ms." I smile kindly and the door closes. I suddenly get VERY nervous. I can't place the reason why, but I'm wrecked. I take a deep breath to try and pull myself together. I look at my reflection in the glass door of the elevator and quickly grab a lipgloss from my bag and smear it on, drop it back into my bag, take another deep breath and the door opens. I immediately hear the loud music and the sounds of people singing and laughing loudly. I walk down the hall and count the doors. I step in front of the third door and turn the handle to open it.

I walk in and see the chaos right away. Some of the members are chasing after each other, some are sitting on the hardwood floor and a couple of others are actually dancing and singing. It reminded me of home... siblings all over, just enjoying their time together. It was comforting. As soon as my eyes make their way across the room, they come to a halt as they're locked in by Jungkook. He's stopped play fighting and chasing Jimin around the room; He smiles at me and starts making his way toward me. He stands in front of me and I can feel his body warmth as he leans down toward me. His scent engulfs me and I feel like I can't breathe. He smirks at me and leans down to grab my bag, "can I help you?" He asks politely. I nod and follow him as he walks toward the front of the room, a wall covered in mirrors from ceiling to floor. He sits my bag down next to a chair that's directly next to the Managers. I sit down and Jungkook smiles as he walks away. I find myself staring at him... his wide shoulders and muscular back are evident through his loosely hung black tshirt.

Euphoria | BTS (Bangtan Sonyeondan) Where stories live. Discover now