"You Make Me Feel Out Of Control..."

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We spend the rest of the night just enjoying our time together. The boys continue to singing, reading, and building their blocks. Yoongi continues working on his computer while I sit on a chair next to Seokjin, as he plays the keyboard. My head leaned on his wide shoulder and he leans down to kiss my forehead every few minutes, a constant reminder of his affection. I'm watching the Sex and the City movie on my iPad (it's my favorite movie ever and I've watched it thousands of times— Carrie and Big's romance is one of the greatest cinematic love stories ever, and I will fight you on that) while Jungkook is laying on the floor where he's grabbed my feet (covered by my fuzzy pink bunny spa socks) and placed them on his chest, teasing me about my love of the movie and how sappy I am. I love that his love language is physical touch; and not just from me or for me, from all of us close to him. I love watching him with his hyungs; the way he is constantly smacking Hoseok's butt, the joy he gets from play fighting with Seokjin, his love of hugs from Namjoon, the way he lights up when Jimin leans his chin on his shoulder, when he has to work hard to get a hug from his Suga-Hyung even though we all know deep down that Yoongi absolutely adores him, and the way his doe eyes sparkle when Taehyung pats under his chin with his fingers. They love him just as much as he loves them and it makes my heart swell so see how loved he is.

I'm lost, deep in thought when I hear the piano stop playing. Seokjin raises his hand to cup around my face and places his lips on my forehead once more, keeping them there as he softly whispers to me about how happy he is; how happy I make him. I see Jimin has picked a song on the Karaoke feature on the tv and he starts singing out loud. It's entirely domestic and blasé but so comforting and wonderful.

Taehyung walks up to me and reaches his hand out to me. I grab him and he helps me stand and as soon as I do, he walks us to a spot of the room that isn't crowded with a body. As Jimin sings, he wraps an arm around my waist, moves his head to lean on mine and outstretches our other arms to sway along to the music. A smile grows fondly on my face as I remember telling him, what seemed like so long ago, that I enjoyed slow dancing. He sways us back and forth, slowly as Jimin's angelic voice creates the most beautiful soundtrack.

"I told you I'd always dance with you," he says to me as he lifts his head to look at me and my heart feels like it's going to explode. I still feel very confused about Taehyung. I know I love him and I know he loves me, but I'm not quite sure what he's looking for or if i'm the one that can give it to him. But, I trust him and I know that I want him in my life. I tiptoe as high as I can and place my lips on his, wrapping my hands around his neck and putting every bit of love I have into it. I want him to know how important he is to me, and how much I absolutely love that he kept his word.

I let go of Tae as the slower song ends and Jimin starts jumping up and down to the new song as he is pushing the mic toward Tae. I sit on the floor in between Namjoon and Hobi, watching them as they continue building their sets. They are so focused and so entertained, it's so endearing. I look at Hoseok and he looks over to smile at me. He pats on his lap and I lay down and scrunch my legs up, making myself a ball as I lay my head on his lap, facing up to watch him as he continues building. He flashes me that beautiful Hobi smile of his that absolutely melts my heart. Namjoon sees me, grabs my feet and extends them so they are in his lap. I really, truly could get used to this. Was this normal? Is this how people are treated in relationships. It's so hard for me to fathom that this is how it's supposed to be.

We lounge around for a little while longer, Hobi strokes my hair while I lay in his lap. I hear a yawn from behind us and look at my watch and see it's almost 2:00 am now and I just know that that yawn was definitely Yoongi. I sit up from Hobi's lap and look back to see exactly what I thought, a sleepy faced Yoongi yawning and he lays across the table. I smile at him and stand and make my way to him. I stand behind him and lay against his back and bring my mouth to his ear and wrap my arms around his shoulders.

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