"You are Like a Dream to Me, Butterfly..."

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A/N: I apologize in advance, this chapter is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO long but I didn't want to break the day up so I kept it all together. Next chapter will also be longer but then they will go back to being a little shorter afterwards. <3

We spend the next hour or so sitting in bed laughing, sharing stories about our lives, eating from the exaggerated amounts of food that JK ordered, and just getting to know each other better. By the end of our meal, I know everything there is to know about his family, how hard he is on himself and how he strives to be perfect to the point of causing himself physical harm, his favorite album, his biggest pet peeve, and so much more.

After finishing our food, Jungkook decides it's time for dessert and we sit in bed, facing each other, my legs wrapped around his torso as we start to devour the cheesecake he ordered (both of our favorite). He feeds me and kisses me in between bites; we laugh and giggle and pass the fork back and forth to each other. While it's not the most simple thing, it's one of the moments in my life that I will carry with me forever. It's the moment in which this incredibly famous and talented idol, let his guard down and trusted me enough to see the real him. I feel so comfortable around him and that's so hard for me; I've been burned so much in the past, that trust is huge for me.

I grab the fork from him as he finished popping another bite of cheesecake in my mouth and grab the last chunk on the plate and bring it up to his mouth. He opens wide and as soon as I place it in his mouth, I notice I've dripped strawberry sauce all over his shirt. He lets out a giggle and scrunches his nose up as he chews the huge bite in his mouth.

"We need to wash this off before the stain sets in," I say to him as I take my hands and place them on the bottom hem of his shirt and start to pull it off of him. He lifts his arms in the air as I pull the shirt over his head and just as I'm about to jump off of him and run the shirt to the bathroom to wash off the sauce, he wraps one of his arms tightly around my waist, pulling me back down in between his legs and with the other, grabs the shirt and throws is across the room.

"It's an old $20 t-shirt, it's not important," he says to me.

I look down between us and bring my hands around his neck. He's so beautiful. I know he works out hard and that's one of the things we both have in common (our love for the gym and lifting) but seeing him shirtless leaves me in awe. He's gorgeous and perfect. I bring my face back up to his and notice he has strawberry sauce on the side of his mouth. I grin at him and he pops one of his eyebrows up, questioning my smile.

"You have sauce on your face," I say to him.

"Where? Here?" He says as he runs his tongue around his mouth but completely misses the spot.

"No! Stop, let me get it!" I say at him as he continues to wiggle his tongue all over and starts shifting back and forth so I can't wipe his face.

I bring my hands forward onto his chest, and push him down onto the bed and climb to sit on his chest. His eyes are wide as he can't quite believe I just did that.

I push my hair behind my ears and keep my hands at my sides as I lean down and wrap my mouth around the side of his lips that the sauce is on.

I gently give his lip a little suck and then pull away slightly to lick the side of his mouth dramatically just to make sure that there is no residual sauce on his face.

I lift myself back up and I can see the fire in his eyes again; he's shifted from sweet, cuddly, Kookie to dark and wild Jungkook. I continue looking down at him as I place my hands on his chest in front of me. I feel his hands run their way up my thighs and stop at they reach my ass and he slightly lifts his head up off the bed, lifts the hem of the tshirt I'm wearing slightly and sees I'm, of course, not wearing any underwear. He groans out and squeezes my ass firmly as he drops his head back on the bed and closes his eyes.

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