"Tell Me You Love Me..."

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I stretch out in bed the next morning and moan out at the feeling of the dull and persistent ache all over my body. I have never been so sore in my whole life. I open my eyes to see Hoseok asleep next to me. He looks so angelic; a stark contrast of the absolute sex demon he was last night. His face soft and relaxed, his lips pouty and full. I lean in and kiss him softly and I push his blonde hair off his eyes. I look at the clock on the bedside table behind him to see it's 5:00 am. I don't have to be at SM until 10 am but they have to be up and ready to go by 7:00 so I know they'll all be up soon.

I drag myself out of bed and grab one of Hobi's super baggy tshirts to throw over my naked body and shove my feet into my house slippers and make my way to the bathroom. I wash my face, put my hair up in a bun, brush my teeth and then make my way to the kitchen. I drag my feet along the hardwood floor and pad into the kitchen, turning on the light. I start working on breakfast for the guys and move on with the most important thing, coffee. We all have to have our coffee in the morning (with the exception of Jimin and Taehyung) so I know that always needs to be the first thing every morning. I pull out fruit from the refrigerator and start cutting it all up, putting them in different bowls. After the fruit has been cut, I start making some nurungji from the leftover rice, focusing on things that are easy for them to grab quickly. I set everything up at the center of the island and go back to the fridge to grab juices.

As I lean in to grab the cranberry juice at the very back of the top shelf (I'm the only one that drinks it so its always pushed to the back), I gasp out as I feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist and pull me down. I feel his face bury into my neck and smile, knowing exactly who he is, just by the way he feels wrapped around me. He spins me to face the island so that I can drop the juice there and then turns me to face him and my belly flips at the sight of his beautiful face. I run my thumb across his cheek and can't help but smile. I say this every single time, but I honestly can not believe that he is mine and it triggers a memory that makes me smile.

About two years or so ago, I was working with a client at Jimmy Fallon and I remember the staff backstage talking about one of the members of the musical act from the night before. Everyone gushed about him; it didn't matter who they were or what their preferences were, they all had one thing in common: they were completely infatuated with Park Jimin. They all rhapsodized about how sweet and kind he was. How he was so respectful and appreciative of the staff and all their work. And they all unanimously agreed that he was absolutely breathtaking; comparing his beauty to something only perfection could compete with. I remember laughing at them and saying that they were probably exaggerating but they assured me they were not. A particular AD was exceptionally smitten, saying that he never thought he'd ever be so attracted to another man but Park Jimin was charismatic and the biggest flirt he'd ever met and he had charmed the pants off of everyone he met. And now here I stand, in love with the same man that everyone and their damn dog was infatuated with. But he's mine, every single part of him belongs to me and I'd be lying if I didn't say that I wish I could scream it from every rooftop in Seoul.

His grey sweatpants are clinging on to his tiny waist; he's shirtless and his dark hair lays messily across his forehead. His arms are wrapped fully around me as he whispers words lovingly into my ear. He leans his body against mine, pushing me toward the counter and once my back hits the granite, he leans down to grab my thighs and hook me on his waist. He leads us to the living room and places me gently on the couch and settles in between my knees. I see him lick his swollen lips when he looks down to see that the tshirt is the only thing I'm wearing. He doesn't even say anything to me, but his eyes don't leave mine. He reaches down between us as he pulls himself out of his sweatpants and gently leads himself inside of me.

There's no crazy lead up, no mind blowing fore play. It's simple and easy. It's just he and I, needing to be close and to feel eachother. Often times, this is how it is with Jimin and I. We just inexplicably miss each other and the best way we can express ourselves is with our bodies. He rolls his hips into me and it's unrushed and slow as I feel him close his eyes and exhale, undone by the pleasure he's experiencing. I love nothing more than to watch him like this. I bring my hands up to his face and brush my thumb across his lip, pulling him to come down to me and kiss me. A wave of emotion hits me and I'm overcome with love. I love sex with each of them so much, I know who to go to when I'm craving a certain feeling and Jimin, he's my romantic, my love maker. While we've had moments of raw and hot sex, nothing compares to the way he makes me feel when he makes love to me like he is right now. I can feel every emotion he's feeling and he's showing me exactly how much he loves me. He rocks into me, his hips moving in a way that's so incredibly erotic. I can hear doors opening and feet shuffling on the floor but I don't care. Jimin must hear it too because he reaches his arm around me and pulls me up as he sits down on the couch, adjusting me on top of him; my chest directly in his face. He grabs the hem of Hobi's shirt and pulling it over my head.

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