"I want to see you, even in my dreams..."

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I walk back into the back room where we are seated for dinner and not a single person pays me any mind. I jokingly wonder if anyone would even notice if I went missing. But just as I finish that thought, I look across the table to see Jimin glaring at me. He reaches his hand across the table and says "phone, please". I grab my phone from my pocket and put it in his hand. Taehyung has noticed what Jimin was doing and after Jimin taps on the screen a few times, he grabs his own phone and does some tapping as well. He hands my phone to Taehyung and I'm so confused. Tae does the same thing and finally hands my phone to me.

I feel the phone immediately vibrate in my hands and look down to see I've received a message from 'Jiminie'. So that's what he was doing. I swipe to unlock it and open the text message to see a message written in Hanguel but see translate button from the app extension. I press translate and begin read Jimin's message.

"Were you where I think you were? Please try and be more careful and more discreet, El-ah. I don't want either of you getting into any trouble. Luckily no one noticed you were both off doing who knows what 🙄"

I smile at the screen and begin to type a message back. It's sweet how protective he's being and how he's just trying to look out for his best friend.

"I'm sorry Jiminie. I didn't know he was going to follow me, I swear. I was actually trying to get away from him. It won't happen again and I'll make sure to be more careful; you might want to let JK know as well. And as for what happened, well... let's just say I'm still as frustrated as I was before leaving the table 😆 "

I press send just as the wait staff starts to come out with the food. I didn't realize how hungry I was until that very moment. I hear Jimin burst into a laugh and looks up at me. In that moment, Jungkook decides to make his re-appearance. His band mates seemingly begin to tease him and everyone is laughing. I feel a sense of relief knowing that no one put two and two together to realize we ran off together.

The waiter places my plate down in front of me as the members also receive their food. Jungkook's leans into me and whispers in my ear " you say jal meokgetseumnida and then eat, okay?" He smiles at me. I look up and once everyone has received their plates, the waitstaff stands back and bows in unison and we all say "jal meokgetseumnida" out loud and people start to dig into their food. I know sharing meals is super common in Korean culture so it comes as no surprise when Jimin leans forward toward me and opens his mouth, motioning for me to feed him some of my food. I take my chopsticks, grab a little bit of everything and place the food in his mouth while keeping my hand underneath it to catch any mess.

"Mmmmmmm" he says as he smiles at me. Taehyung looks at me and says "oh me, me next". I repeat the same actions I did with Jimin and Taehyung gives me a thumbs up. I feel Jungkook's eyes on me as I turn my head toward him.

"Want some?" I ask him, gingerly. It's so comforting to feel like I can take care of him in any way.

He smirks at me and says "Please, Noona. I want a taste" he states as he winks at me. I take the food and load it onto my chopsticks and lean forward to place the food into his mouth. The way he takes it is so much more sexual than either Tae or Jimin did and i'm trying to calm myself so that no one around me can read me for filth.

"Delicious" he says. I return my gaze to my food and grab my own bite when I look forward to see Jimin and Taehyung staring at us with their mouths agape. I look around and no one else has even remotely looked our way.

"deobda!" Jimin exclaims at me and Taehyung simply nods and says "uh-huh".

I look over at Jungkook and see that he's smiling his sweet little smile with his nose scrunched up and looking at his band mates.

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