"Wait for me Nae Sarang..."

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Shopping with Hobi, Jimin and Taehyung has been one of the most fun experiences of my life. Hoseok helps me pick out incredible outfits; he has such an amazing eye for fashion. The shopping center we come to isn't too busy since it's during the day on a weekday but, the guys are all wearing some form of hat and masks are covering their faces as the bodyguards stand by (under the radar) just in case. One of the bodyguards (the one that's close with JK) was told to keep an eye on me and while I'm grateful and feel protected, it seems kind of silly. We shop for a few hours and once our arms are loaded with bags, we decide it's time to get some food.

We sit at a table in the private room of the restaurant we are in, talking loudly and laughing at everything. It's so refreshing to be able to just let my guard down a little bit. Then the conversation goes from fun and lightweight to the topic I knew would come up eventually.

"So, Noona...." says Hobi as he turns his head on his palm to look at me across the table.

I take a drink of my wine, knowing exactly what was coming.

"Tell me about this little situation you've gotten yourself into," he smiles and raises his eyebrows mockingly toward me. "A hyung and a Maknae... did you see her bag?" He says as he jokes, playing on the words of their own songs and asks Taehyung, causing everyone at the table to laugh.

"There's not much to tell," I say, continuing to sip on my wine. I think it's glass number 3 but honestly, I've lost count and I'm feeling that giggly, have no filter, drunkenness hit me.

"JK showed interest, I'm interested in him. Yoongi showed interest, I'm interested in him. They're both ridiculously hot, talented and have incredible souls... what's not to be interested in? Not to mention, they both make me feel unlike anything else." I say to them nonchalantly.

They look at me with wide eyes and wait for me to carry on.

"You know that butterfly feeling? The one you get when you are young and you have a crush on someone? It's like that... EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. I look at them and I get goosebumps all over. They touch me and I feel like I've caught on fire. It's intense and I thought it wouldn't last after the first time but it does. I'm enamored with them and I'm dreading the thought of having to pick one of them. I just can't. They both give me something completely different. They feed my heart, my mind, my body with completely different things and I can't chose," I finish.

"That sounds so amazing," says Taehyung, staring deep into my eyes. So deep and so fixated on me that a chill runs up my spine. It's like he's looking into my soul. Maybe I should back off the wine now.

"Tell us about yesterday. It was your first date with Yoongi-hyung, right?" Jimin asks me; his eyes are big and bright and hanging on every word I'm saying.

"Honestly?" I say and feel my sense of modestly fly out the window, "It was fucking amazing." I say.

Jimin and Hobi's eyes widen as they watch me intently and Taehyung raises his eyebrow and runs his tongue across his bottom lip, sending my heart into a panic as it starts racing.

"Tell us more..." Tae says.

"Ummmm..." I say as I finally break my eyes from Tae and try and shake the blush that's crept up on my cheeks.

"Well, he had this whole dinner set up for us with champagne, candles, flowers, everything. But..." I say and feel myself turning red again as I look down toward my hands.

"We didn't end up staying very long. We asked them to pack up our food and have it sent to his room and we went upstairs into Yoongi's room," I race through the sentence as to avoid further shyness from stopping me from telling them the story.

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