"You're Very Good With This Mouth of Yours..."

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The next morning is slow going. I wake up at around 9:00 am, leaving a very pouty baby bear in his bed. I shower, put on some lounge clothes (I don't want my outfit for my meeting to get wrinkled), do my hair and makeup(with the exception of lipstick) and grab my laptop and head to the kitchen. I don't have much to do today except for my meeting at SM Entertainment at 1:00 pm. The guys have to head to the company at noon to get ready for two zoom interviews. I sit at the kitchen island and am scrolling through an online boutique, looking for some clothing pieces to add to my wardrobe. We are all meeting back here at 7:00 pm to head back out to our forest getaway for a few more days. I hear movement in the hallway and know that a few of the guys are already up; it's around 11:15 am now so they'll be heading out soon. I make my way to the counter and start serving coffee mugs for my coffee drinkers.

As if telepathically alerted, Joon, Yoongi, and Seokjin walk into the kitchen. I can't help but stare at them; while they're just wearing their normal street clothing (they're being styled and made up at the company), they still look so gorgeous. I don't think I'll ever have enough of them. They each make their way to me, exchanging morning kisses for their cups of coffee. Namjoon goes last and kisses my lips and then moves his mouth to my ear where he asks me if I'd like to stay with him tonight and then proceeds to tell me what he would like to do to me, if I do indeed agree to stay with him. As soon as he mentioned the words 'worship your body like the queen you are' in his husky, deep morning voice, I started nodding my head vigorously as my cheeks blushed heavily and a smile marks my lips. I laugh out loud when Seokjin and Yoongi start teasing me. My heart feels so full; it's an incredible feeling. I head back to the computer and continue my search and I feel a body come up behind me, both hands leaning on the counter.

"What are you up to?" Yoongi asks me, sweetly, his chin resting on my shoulder.

"I'm trying to shop for new clothes. I only brought so much when I left home and now my wardrobe is severely lacking. But I hate shopping so it's not going well," I tell him. He pulls my hair back and places a kiss to my neck.

"Whatever you get will look amazing on you," he tells me.

"I already told her to just wait and we can take her shopping next week for her birthday," Namjoon adds as I shoot a glare at him.

"What? Did you think we didn't know or wouldn't find out?" Yoongi joins in.

"El-Ah, you really thought you'd be able to have your birthday and none of us would know? You underestimate us baby," Seokjin says.

"I just didn't want to make it a big deal," I say to them.

"Jagiya, you deserve to be celebrated and we love you, let us make this as big of a deal as we want," Yoongi says to me.

"Fine, but just us at home," I reply, rolling my eyes, "it's the day before Yoongi's surgery so I want to make sure he's able to get rest and we aren't staying up late," I warn them.

"Yes m'am," Seokjin jokes as he salutes me then walks over to the other side of the island and leans in and kisses me; butterflies erupting in my tummy.

"Mmmmmm..." I moan out. "More please," I say as I grab his shirt and pull him to me again and kiss against the smile that's spread across his face. Hobi walks into the kitchen looking perfect, as usual. He jokingly pushes Jinnie aside and leans in to kiss me. "There's a bowl of strawberries in the fridge for you, my love," I tell him and he quickly kisses me again and heads for the fridge.

"El, as much as I hate to make you do the dirty work, I'm going to need you to go wake up the youngest because we don't offer the same kind of incentive you do for them to get their asses out of bed," Yoongi tells me. I smile and stand up out of the chair and head down the hall.

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