"He Didn't Tell You... Did He?"

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I have never dropped to my knees faster in my life. As soon as my shirt came off, I had to get him in my mouth. He's impossibly hard and so ready for me. I run my tongue from the base, languidly to the tip, sliding my tongue across his slit to capture the precum that is collected.

He's panting; moaning in between curses under his breath. I can't take my eyes off of him. The sharp edge of his jawline is exaggerated as he clenches down, trying to withhold the volume of his pleasured sounds. And when my name begins to leave his lips, it's as if someone has placed lightening in my lower stomach.

All I want is to see him happy... to watch him come undone.

I lower my mouth on to him, taking him in fully. I allow him to push into me until his tip reaches the back of my throat and I gently pull back with my tongue leaving a wet trail along his shaft.

I continue to allow him to thrust himself into my mouth, his hands gripping the back of my head; his fingers tangled in my hair.

I start feeling him tense and know that he will finish soon if I continue to allow him to go at this pace so I bring my hands up to his thighs and pull myself off of him with a slight pop as his dick leaves my mouth.

I hear him panting and know that he must be frustrated because he's so close.

I stand up and start unbuttoning my pants as I look at him.

"You want to show me now?" I ask him. He looks at me and it's almost as if he can't believe this is happening.

"Are you sure?" He tells me. He seems scared, unsure.

I pull my pants off and I'm left standing in my bright red La Perla set.

I push my hands into his chest and lead him back to the bed. His knees hit the mattress and he sits down, motioning at me to sit on his lap.

I do as he asks and then bring my hands up to his face, pushing his long dark hair back so I can see his immaculate face as I navigate the awkward part of having sex with someone for the first time.

"Okay so time to be honest and open. This may be awkward but it has to happen, okay?" I tell him and he nods his head to me.

"I was tested for STD's before coming here and I'm clean. Up until a few days ago, I hadn't had sex with anyone in over a year. That being said, I have had sex with Yoongi," I tell him and watch as he cringes slightly.

"I'm sorry, I know you probably don't want to know that but we have to be honest with each other if we are going to take the next step," I assure him.

"I have an IUD in so I won't get pregnant but wearing a condom is up to you. I want you to be comfortable," I say as I stoke his hair back .

"Ummm... okay, so I was tested as well and I'm clean and I've actually only had sex with one other person and it was 4 years ago," he tells me, his eyes down as his face turns bright red.

"Hey," I say to him, as I bring his face back up to look at me, "none of that. We don't have to do this, you know?" I tell him. "If you want to wait, or you don't feel comfortable, we don't have to do this," I didn't know he has such a minor history with sex, so now I feel like I'm taking his virtue or something.

"No!" He almost shouts, "It's not like I was waiting for marriage or anything. I just, my first time was just such a bad experience. I only did it because I wanted people to stop seeing me as an innocent kid. I didn't love her, I didn't even like her. It was all to prove a point. But this... I want to. I want to be with you, I'm just afraid that I'll be horrible or won't know what I'm doing," he confesses.

"JK, that's not possible," I assure him. "You used your mouth on me and that was fucking incredible, and you've probably only done that a few times, right?" I ask.

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