"I Can't Be Without You..."

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It's 4:00 am and the blaring alarm jars me awake; as exhausted as I am, I didn't want Yoongi to leave without me giving him a proper goodbye. I stretch and yawn and roll over his body to turn it off. I kiss his cheek and rub my hand up and down his bare chest; thinking of the perfect way to wake him up gently.

"Yoongi... You gotta get up," I say to him.

He groans but smiles and opens his eyes to look at me.

"This is the best wake up call ever," he says as he put his hand over my hand which has made it's way down the front of his shorts and onto his very hard cock.

"Come on baby, you gotta get up," I say to him as I give him one more kiss.

We both make our way out of bed and he insists he doesn't need breakfast and coffee is more than enough but honestly, I think he just wants me to shower with him.

We hop in the shower and make lazy, slow love; Unhasty and unhurried. I cum as he whispers passionate 'I Love You's" in to my ears while pleasuring me in the most amazing way as the hot water beats down on our skin. The whole world has left us and we only focus on each other between pants and moans and trying to catch the breath we can't seem to find because of the thick steam that's engulfed us.

After our shower, he gets ready to head to work and I just throw on another tshirt and head to the kitchen to make him some coffee and some toast.

His kitchen is beautiful and neatly organized so it makes it easy to find everything I need.

10 minutes later, I've made him a cup of hot, black coffee and some toast with marmalade and butter. I've also prepared him an iced americano that's ready to go to work with him.

I watch him sip his coffee and let out a sigh of contention as he enjoys the hot drink.

"Don't forget, you're doing your laundry here," he reminds me as he gives me a wink.

"Jin-Hyungie and Namjoon are coming over at 9:00, after our interviews to have coffee with you here. We all thought that would probably be the best option. That way you don't need to leave the house. I have everything you need here and if you need anything else, call me or Hyun-Jin and we can grab things for you or order you whatever you need," he tells me.

It's so weird to have someone take such good care of me, I've never been in a relationship where I was someone's number one priority. It's weird, not necessarily in a negative way, just not something I'm used to.

"When I get home, I can cook us dinner and we can call it an early night since we have the last show here in SK tomorrow and we will need to make sure all our things are packed because we leave for the US right after the show," he continues.

"Sir, yes sir," I say as I salute him playfully.

"Eleanorrrrrr...." He says in his warning tone, "be a good girl," he tells me.

I smile at him and take a sip of his coffee. I didn't make my own because, let's be honest, I'm going back to bed as soon as he leaves.

"Okay baby, I gotta go," he tells me, "remember, make yourself comfortable. Anything here is yours to have, to use, to eat, to do whatever you want. There's nothing off limits for my baby," he says to me as he walks to me, wrapping his arms around my waist as he kisses me slowly and passionately.

This feels so.... couple-y. So domestic and natural. It's actually quite nice.

He breaks our kiss and give me a last squeeze as he grabs my hand and I walk him toward the door.

"Oh, I forgot to mention," he says as I hand him the Americano I prepared him and he opens the door, preparing to walk out.

"Jungkookie is coming over at noon to see you. He texted me earlier asking if it was okay and I said it was as long as you were okay with it," he tells me. "So if you're not okay with it, just let him know. If it's fine, he will be here then. Also, I hope you don't think I'm trying to strip you of your freedom to do whatever you'd like... I'm just trying to do what I can to protect you," he says as he gives me a small smile.

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