"Because You Are My Star and My Universe..."

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We spend the rest of the afternoon and early evening relaxing on the couch; I actually feel really good and I blame it on the very strong pain medication. It's as if early this morning never happened. It's the best birthday I've ever head, they ordered my favorite meals and we eat, watch my favorite movies and spend time together, our bodies laying on top of each other in a tangled mess. It never ceases to make me deliriously happy watching them together; I know they love me, and I know they love each other but watching them care for each other never gets old.

Jimin is laying on the couch, his head in Jungkook's lap as he plays with his hair. Hobi is rubbing Yoongi's feet and Taehyung is resting his head on Namjoon's shoulders while Seokjin is laying on the couch with me laying in between his legs, using his stomach as a pillow as the scratches my scalp lightly, sending shivers down my spine. We're a perfectly imperfect family and there is no where else I'd rather spend the rest of my days.

I look at the clock to see it's 10:00 pm. I push myself off of Jin's torso and shoot Yoongi a look, which he immediately understands and he pulls his feet from Hoseok's lap and stands up.

"Yoongi needs to get to bed since he has to be up at 4:00 am to head to the hospital to check in," I tell them. They all sit themselves up knowing that it's time to say goodnight.

"Before you go, can we each have some minutes with you? For your birthday?" Jimin asks me. I smile at him and look over at Yoongi.

"I need to go wash up. I'll see you when I'm done," he says with a gummy smile. I kiss his cheek gently as he turns to make his way to the bathroom.

"Who wants to go first?" I say as I turn and look at them.

"Me, please," Hobi says as he takes my hand and leads me to the hall toward his room. He opens the door and leads me to sit on his bed. I sit and he turns around and goes to his closet and comes back out with a box wrapped in brown paper with a gold ribbon. He walks toward me with a huge smile and places the box in my lap and sits next to me.

"Hoseok! You already gave me a gift that was more than enough!" I say to him. "I couldn't possible accept this" I look at him and pout.

"Those gifts were from all of us, this one is from me. Accept it," he tells me as he pushes my hands with the box back on my lap. "Open it Noona," he tells me and it's obvious he's excited. I smile at him and undo the ribbon and carefully unwrap the box. Once the paper is off, I'm left with a pain brown box. I remove the lid and see carefully folded tissue paper with a circular LV sticker. My mouth drops open.

"JUNG HOSEOK?!?" I scream at him.

"Open it hurry!" He says.

I carefully tear off the sticker and unfold the tissue paper to see a white dust bag. I grab it and pull the cords to open the top. I stick my hand inside and pull out the item. I lose every single shred of dignity as I let out a scream when I see a beautiful black New Wave crossbody bag with gold hardware. It's the perfect mixture of my style and his and I'm so obsessed with it.

"Do you like it? If not, you can change it? It reminded me of you and it can be worn in different ways," he tells me excitedly.

"Are you kidding me? I love it so much. Thank you so much Sunshine, this is incredible," I tell him as I put the bag back in the dust bag and place it in the box. I put the box on the bed behind me and I put my hands around his jaw and bring him in to kiss him. He opens his mouth and runs his tongue between my lips and the butterflies in my tummy explode. He pushes inside my mouth and pushes his tongue against mine as his lips cradle mine. He sucks on my bottom lip as he pulls away and gently bites me, making a shiver run down my spine. He moves his mouth down my jaw and to my neck as his hands run languidly up my sweater, his cold fingers grazing my warm skin. He moves to the spot right below my ear as he whispers "happy birthday Princess," he tells me and while I've never liked it when anyone calls me that, it does something to me when I hear him call me that. He pulls away from me and watches as I'm left breathless.

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