"Forever isn't long enough..."

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The hot water hits my back and it softens the tension I'm holding. I close my eyes and basque in the feeling. I hear the shower door open and feel a set of arms wrap around me. I don't even need to open my eyes to know that it's Jungkook. I feel his mouth on my ear, moving down slowly to my shoulder. He turns me to face time and my arms go around his neck. He is the definition of comfort; he makes me feel safe and warm and needed and loved and I'd give anything to protect us.

He leans down and kisses me. His lips soft against mine but the fire behind them is obvious. I feel breathless against his touch, enveloped by the passion. He moves his mouth down to my jaw, gently pressing his lips on to my neck. I think he's going to stop but he doesn't he continues moving his mouth against my skin. He moves slowly, savoring each kiss, each touch, each moment. His hands move slowly down my body, finding their final destination on my hips.

He makes love to me; gently, softly, and fervidly. He's unrushed and romantic as he relishes in every move he makes against me. Pushing me up against the glass door of the shower, he mutters words of admiration, love, and gratitude. He reassures me that I'm wanted, that I'm needed, that I'm desired with every roll of his hips and every kiss of his lips. I've never felt more loved in my whole life. That's the thing with Jungkook, he's good with words, but when he's really trying to tell me something, he's better with actions; from the first day, the first time he ever made love to me, he shows me how much he loves me. I never question his feelings because he is always showing me how adored I am; when he whispers in my ear as he pushes himself into me, when he kisses the most sensitive parts of my body, when he gives up control and allows himself to be completely vulnerable with me as my name escapes his mouth.

We get out of the shower after we've both succumb to our pleasure. We towel off and Jimin joins us as we all start getting ready for the day. I blow dry my hair while Jimin showers and sings Justin Bieber songs at the top of his lungs. I can't help but laugh. After we're all dressed and ready to go, I sit on the bed with my phone in my hand knowing I need to call SM and give them my answer. I stare at my phone second thinking my decision.

"What's wrong, El-Ah?" I hear Jungkook say as he sits down on the edge of the bed with me.

"I'm just nervous. I have to call to formally accept SME's offer and I'm second guessing if it's the right choice," I say honestly. I know he will tell me his honest opinion on the matter.

"Do you WANT to do it?" He asks me as his hand running up and down my back, trying to comfort my sense of anxiety.

"Yes. I do. I really do. I think this could be so good for my career," I tell him.

"Then, do it! Call them, tell them yes and then blow them all away," he says to me with a smile. He grabs my other hand and squeezes it. "Call them," he says again.

I scroll down the screen on my phone until I find Manager Yoojin's number and press call and put it on speaker. Jimin makes his way to the other side of me and sits down. I smile at them as the phone rings twice and he answers.

"Hello Eleanor! How are you?" He asks me cheerily.

"Hi Yoonjin-ssi. I'm well thank you, how are you?" I ask.

"I am good! Hoping to hear some good news from you today," he says with a laugh. It makes me smile that they're so anxiously awaiting to hear from me. Jungkook squeezes my hand and I look up to see Jimin smiling at me.

"Well, I just wanted to call to give you my official acceptance of the position. Sorry for the delay, it's been an eventful few days for me," I say to him and immediately my leg starts bouncing. I feel both Jungkook and Jimin's hands on my thigh and they both stifle a laugh.

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