"If You Keep Pushing Me, I Might Not Come Back..."

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I look down at the photos and can't believe what I'm seeing. There are photos of me, alone. On my flight to Korea for the first time, flying to the US with the group and staff; shooting the shows, getting coffee, shopping, stupid normal things but it's obvious it's me. Then, there are the ones that are of Jungkook and I together. The first day when we went to go get food for everyone; walking down the street, looking at eachother. One is a photo of Jungkook and I from the day I went with him to the studio. The other is from the night I went with him to film his VLive at the company. The last is a photo of Jungkook and I just last week when we went to the convenience store for ice cream. The thing with the photos of Jungkook, you can't see my face in any of them. I'm a mystery but JK is obvious and the look on his face is unmistakable; he's happy. So happy. The last picture is the most incriminating; it's a photo of JK and I in the alleyway as we're waking home from the convenience store. Bags in our hands as he's pushing me against the brick wall and kissing me. Again, it's not obvious it's me but JK is unmissable. And taped to the back of the last photo is a note that reads, "dare me?"

I'm trying my best not to freak. I'm trying to keep my cool but it's not lost on me that this could break us. This could be detrimental to their career, to our privacy, to our relationships. I get up off the bed, and place the envelope and images on the bed behind me. I walk to the dresser and grab my phone. I scroll through the phone and press 'call' once I find the number I'm looking for. The phone rings once before it's picked up.

"El? Are you okay?" I hear Seokjin on the other end.

"Seokjin-ah, I need you to come to the hotel, please. I need you to bring Namjoon, Tae, and Hoseok. We need to talk, all of us," I say cooly and void of any emotion.

"What's wrong Eleanor? Are you safe?" he says and It's obvious he's worried.

"Jungkook and Jimin are already here. Just get here as soon as you can, please." I tell him.

"Jagiya, I—" I don't even let him finish, I just hang up. I know it's wrong. I know I'm just projecting my frustrations and fear on him but I can't help it. Especially when the only thing I'm feeling is the incessant need to run; to run as far away from them as I can. To save them from this pain and this hurt; to save their careers and their reputations.

I go through my my contacts again and find Detective Lee's number and dial it. After a few rings he answers.

"Hello Detective Lee, this is Eleanor. I know we have a meeting tomorrow morning but I just had an envelope delivered to my hotel room and it had photos inside. Photos of myself and Jungkook. I'm not sure who slipped them under my door but these photos can't get out and the person that sent them is threatening to," I say in one quick breath.

"Ms. Eleanor, try not to worry to much. Bring the envelope to the meeting tomorrow. Don't let anyone else touch it. Put it in a plastic bag and seal it; we may be able to find some additional fingerprints on it. Do you have security nearby?" He asks me.

"No, but I'll call him now," I tell him.

"Okay, I'll work on sending a subpoena the hotel. I'll call down to the front desk and ask them to send me any information they have and the security footage from their cameras. Please, rest assured we will do everything to insure you are safe and to make sure those images do not get out," he assures me.

"Thank you Detective Lee. I'll see you tomorrow morning. Goodnight," I say as I hang up the phone.

I go to my text messages and find my thread with Hyun-Jin and I apologize profusely and ask him to please come to the hotel as there has been an incident. He promptly responds telling me he will be here soon. I turn back around to see Jimin and JK. They've both changed into lounge clothes that they must have had in their bags. They're looking at me and I don't know what to say or what to do. So, I walk over to my dresser, grab some clothes and head to the bathroom. I hear them both call after me but I ignore them and lock the door behind me.

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