"I Did Not Realize How Much I Needed You..."

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"Eleanor, this has to stop. He's stalking you and it's not okay," Yoongi says sternly at me.

We are all sitting in a conference room upstairs, trying to figure out what to do about this situation.

"Getting others involved will only make it worse. He's just sending flowers and empty threats. I know him. Please, let me just call him and talk to him and I can calm him down," I say quietly. Namjoon is sitting in the chair next to me, his fingers interlaced with mine, his thumb stroking my skin. Jimin is standing behind me, his hands placed lightly on my shoulders. Hobi, Taehyung and Jin are sitting across from me next to Yoongi and Jungkook is standing in the corner with his arms crossed and  his beautiful, angelic face laced with anger.

"No! Stop it. You can't fix this. He's relentless. Open your eyes. Can't you see this is so much bigger than you're making it seem?" Yoongi continues, raising his voice at me. I've never seen him this way. He's never spoken to me this way.

"Hyung..." Namjoon says, a warning in his tone.

"No, Namjoon-ah. We need to be rational. This isn't a game. This is serious. There is so much at stake. We need to put an end to it. NOW!" He continues.

"Let me take care of it. Please, just let me deal with this. I'll be fine. I can handle him," I say, my voice cracking but not allowing myself to cry.

And that's when a flip switches and his eyes go black.


My mouth drops open and I am in a state of complete shock. I don't know who this person is.  The tears start to well but I refuse to give him the satisfaction of letting him see me cry.

"That's ENOUGH!" Seokjin shouts as he stands up. He looks over at me, his eyes soft and pleading.

I am numb. I have no idea what to do or say. So, I get up, let go of Joon and look down at him.

All eyes go directly on me but there really isn't anything to say.

"Noona," I hear Jungkook say but I ignore him.

"I am late to meet the boys. I'll see you guys later," I say with my tone flat, emotionless.

I don't even bother waiting for a response. I turn around, grab my bag and walk out. I hear an uproar behind me. Yelling and arguing but I don't care. I'm done with it.

I will not cry. My heart is breaking in two but I can't do it. The last time I let a man have control over my emotions, he ruined me. I will not allow it to happen again. If he thinks I'm being selfish and only worried about myself, he's wrong. I'm worried about the press finding out. I'm worried about their safety but obviously to Yoongi, none of that is obvious.  Or am I being selfish? Maybe I am. I shouldn't even be here. I'm putting them in danger. I AM being selfish. What was I thinking?  I'm so embarrassed. Why didn't I see this before? Of course, I'm so damn selfish.  My fight or flight instincts gear up and at this moment, the only thing I can think of is flight. I need to get the fuck out of there, now.

I make my way to the elevator and press the button to lead me to the floor I need to be on. I feel my phone vibrating in my pocket and I pull it out to see that Namjoon is calling me. I press the top button and shut it off; I just need a break.

The elevator opens and I hear them before I can see them. Their loud, boisterous laughs; genuinely so happy. There are 5 guys, sitting in the conference room directly in front of the elevator doors. They look so endearing and so sweet. I can already tell they're going to be so much fun to work with. I take a deep breath and shake off this negativity. I refuse to allow anyone to mess this up for me.

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