"I'm More Scared Not to Have You..."

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"Eleanor? Eleanor? Wake up, please! Please, wake up!" I hear a voice screaming at me.

What the hell happened?

I feel hands on my shoulders, on my face, people talking but I have no clue what's going on.

I open my eyes and see Yoongi and Hyun-jin above me.

I hear them both sigh as my eyes open and I look toward them.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt?" Yoongi asks me as he strokes my face; holding a cold washcloth with his other hand on my forehead.

"Yeah," I respond, not really sure what to say.

"I'm fine," I tell them.

Yoongi looks up at Hyun-Jin and say something to him and Hyun-Jin nods and slightly bows to us and turns to leave the room.

I try and pick myself off the ground and groan as I feel a pounding in my head.

"Easy, easy.." he tells me as he places his hand on my back to help me up.

I sit up and gather my bearings and see my phone on the ground next to me and I instantly recall why I passed out.

"Fuck," I say out loud as I bring my knees up and bury my head in my hands.

"What happened? Please, can you tell me?" He asks me.

I reach over to grab my phone and hand it to him.

I see him read the message and his face goes red.

"What the fuck?" He says.

"Yeah..." I say to him.

"I'm calling the managers, now." He says to me as he gets up.

"NO!" I shout at him.

"What do you mean, no? El, this is not good," he shouts back at me.

"I don't want to tell anyone," I tell him in a calmer tone.

"We are only in Korea for one more day and then we leave, those women can't do anything when they're not even in the same country. And besides, Hyun-Jin-ssi already knows who they are and is on the lookout. Let's please not worry anyone else. Please, I'm begging you. I feel like I've already caused so much drama. I don't want the company to see me as a liability and ask me to leave. Yoongi, please, I can't leave you," I tell him.

He looks at me and sighs. I know he wants to believe that I'm not making the most sense but I am.

"Fine. But if anything happens between now and tomorrow after the show, I'm telling manager hyungs and they will go to the authorities," he tells me. I can sense the frustration in his voice.

"Are you feeling okay?" He asks me again as he takes the wash cloth and presses it to my temple.

"My head is killing me," I tell him.

He stands up slowly and then crouches down to lift me into his arms. I wrap my arms around his shoulders.

"You don't have to do this, you know? I can walk," I tell him teasingly.

"Hajima! Let me take care of you," he tells me as he leads me to his bedroom.

He places me down gently on the bed and then retreats back into his bathroom. I hear him turn on the water and wonder what he's doing.

A few minutes later he comes back. He kneels on the edge of the bed in front of me and starts removing my shoes. Then he moves up and grabs my hands to gently stand me up. He brings my hands up to his shoulders so that I hold on to him for balance. He unclips my overall strap and then pushes my pants down my legs and has me step out of them. Then he runs his hands up my body, in the most chaste way possible. There's nothing sexual about it but it's fueled by love and care.

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