"You Really Do Drive Me Crazy, Eleanor..."

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I'm trying so hard to not let the absolute anger I'm feeling, be readable on my face. I'm feeling extremely grateful that my tensed jaw is covered but I can still feel the redness that's traveled to my cheeks and ears. I move my eyes over to Jaehyun and Yuta and I smile when I see their sparkly eyes. "Hi guys, good to see you again," I say. Jaehyun leans towards me and hugs me softly. Then Yuta brings his arm around, his hand softly landing on the small of my back.

"Okay El-Ah?" he says into my ear. My eyes land on JK who is looking at me with narrowed eyes, watching as Yuta makes sure I'm okay.

"I'm sorry, I actually need to go. I have a stop at another company to make before I head home. Thank you so much for inviting me, I'm glad I got to say hello. I'll see you all soon. Ji-Woo, as always, it was nice to see you again. Have a good night everyone," I say and I give a small wave and turn to walk away. It doesn't take long for me to feel that someone has caught up to me as I feel a hand reach for my arm. I turn around to see Yuta and Johnny standing behind me.

"Sure you're okay?" Yuta asks me and I can see the softness in his eyes. He's genuinely worried and I'm actually quite surprised at how well he was able to read me considering we've known each other a very short amount of time.

"Yes, I'm okay. I just— Ji-Woo isn't one of my favorite people," I say trying to explain it to him without offending him.

"Oh, she is not a favorite of lots of the members. She hooked up with Lucas and now won't leave us alone. She has been really pushy recently," Johnny says and Yuta nods.  I'm genuinely not surprised to hear their take on Ji-Woo.

"I have to go. I'll see you guys in a few days for the 127 shoot, okay?" I say to them. They both nods slightly and Johnny leans in to hug me.

"Good night Eleanor." he says and I smile.

"Goodnight guys," I tell them back. I turn around and walk out the door. I had texted Hyun-Jin while I was packing so I knew he'd be waiting for me. I see him standing next to the car and he opens the door for me. I step in and he walks around to get in the driver seat.

"Jungkook-ssi is here also, Ms. Eleanor," Hyun-Jin informs me as he starts driving.

"Yes, I saw him Hyun-Jin, thank you," I say to him as I remove my mask and allow myself to smile at him.

I spend the short ride to the company thinking about what just happened. I'm not mad at JK or even the situation, just confused. Why was Jungkook even there? And why was Ji-Woo talking to him? That woman seems adamant on being in our lives and I'm not sure how much longer I'll be able to to handle her. I shake myself out of my thoughts and see that we are pulling into the parking garage at the company. It's almost 7:00 pm so most of the staff has started to leave. Hyun-Jin steps out of the car, comes around and opens my door.

"Thank you Hyun-Jin. I'll only be here for a little bit so I'll leave my things, if that's okay?" I tell him. He nods and smiles at me. I grab my purse, hat and mask and make my way into the building, scanning my badge and fingerprint on the garage door entrance. I know that Taehyung is on the 6th floor, so I go to the elevator and press the button. As soon as it reaches my floor, the doors open and I see Seokjin standing there. His hair is long and draping over his forehead and eyebrows. He's wearing a salmon pink matching sweat suit and looks so tired, his backpack slung across his shoulder. As soon as his eyes move up and find mine, they light up.

"Hi beautiful," he says softly as he lowers his mask. He waits until the door closes behind me and then pulls me in.

"Hi love," I say to him as he wraps me into his body. I pull down my mask,  hook my arms around his waist and push myself up onto my tiptoes to reach his face and place a kiss on his lips.

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