"Fuck, Not Again..."

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I feel my whole body vibrating. Jungkook's mouth against mine, his moans filling my mouth as I gasp through the intense pleasure that's traveling though me.

Taehyung's fingers continuing to work into me deeply; hitting the most sensitive spot inside me. His mouth on my ear, whispering at me to let go and give myself to him. I'm overwhelmed with pleasure.

Tae slows his fingers down and pulls them out of me slowly as he watches me come down from my high. He keeps his mouth next to my ear while Jungkook continues to kiss the other side of my neck.

"Such a good girl, Nae Sarang," Taehyung whispers to me; sexy, raspy, and deep.

I tangle my fingers into his hair and pull him away so his eyes are locked on mine. JK doesn't move, one hand wrapped around my torso, the other leaned against the counter while he licks and sucks on my collarbone.

I bring Tae's mouth toward mine and press my lips onto his. Something comes over me and I'm completely overtaken by a feeling of lust and rage.

"You think you can just take control over me like that? Walk in here and just take me, like I'm yours?" I mutter into his mouth. I feel him suck a breath in and sigh out, his body tensing at the feeling of me pulling on his hair.

I hear Jungkook stifle a laugh as pulls away from me slightly, turns his face toward ours and smirks.

"You upset her now, Taehyungie," he snickers and teases him.

Taehyung has always been a tease, so tonight, I'm going to give it right back to him.

I look at Jungkook, lean towards him and place a kiss on his lips. I slowly pull away and turn my eyes back to Taehyung. JK keeps his arm around my torso and his eyes locked on Tae and I. I lick my lips at him and tilt my head to the side and a small smile forms on his lips. I bring my hand up to his hair and tuck his waves behind his ear. I lean forward and place a small kiss on the tip of his nose.

I move JK's arm from around me, push Taehyung forward and hop off the counter. I reach my hand out, and grab JK's to intertwine our fingers. I take a small step toward and lean in on my tip toes toward Taehyung, placing my mouth at his cheek as I place a kiss.

"Good night TaeTae, " I say to him mockingly as I reach out for the bowl of fruit. "I'm going to go have really hot sex with my boyfriend now, thanks for the warm up," his jaw drops as he watches me pull Jungkook behind me toward the elevator.

I hear Jungkook snicker behind me as he wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me close to him. He kisses the top of my head and then I hear him say "damn baby," .

The elevator door opens and I turn around a wave at a stunned Taehyung standing in the kitchen.

We walk into the elevator and I lean on the corner and pop a strawberry into my mouth as Jungkook stands and stares at me.

"Where did this boldness come from? I don't think i've ever seen you act this way," Jungkook asks.

I shrug as I continue to munch on the strawberry.

The elevator stops and the doors open. I walk toward Jungkook and press my free hand into his chest, pushing him into the dark hallway and straight into the wall.

I hear a grunt leave his mouth as he backs into the wall abruptly.

"I don't know why everyone thinks I'm this weak princess that needs to be saved," I tell him, my hand moving up his bare chest. I feel him let out a sigh as my thumb grazes over his hard nipples.

"I don't need you to do anything for me. If I want something, I'll take it," I say pushing into him and bite his shoulder.

I hear him hiss out and his eyes go wide. I grab his arm and pull him toward the door. I unlock it and pull him in behind me. I place the fruit bowl on the table and turn back toward him, place my hands on either side of his arms and push him onto the bed.

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