"Ready To Be Wrecked, Princess?"

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Author's Notes:
Happy New Year! Only 7 chapters left of this book! :-O
"Oh my god," I moan out completely fucked out of my mind. I feel Joon behind me, his fingers pressing into my entrance where the vibrator is inserted. He pushes in slowly, stretching me to prepare me for him. At first, I don't think I'll be possible. How am I going to be able to take Namjoon's massive length and girth along with the toy? But he inserts two fingers into me, stretching me and opening me to fit him. It's not painful at all, it's overwhelming. Seokjin stands in front of me, stroking my hair and comforting me through the awkwardness. They haven't turned the vibrator on so that I don't get too over stimulated. He continues stroking my hair softly as he continues to stroke himself, watching me as I am coming undone under Namjoon's touch. Joon leans forward to lay against my back, his mouth pressed against my ear.

"How do you feel baby? I think you're ready but you tell me," he whispers out.

"I'm ready, please baby, I need you," I pant out, completely overcome with my own arousal.

"That's my girl, so good for us baby," I hear Jin add.

"I want you now... both of you," I tell them.

Seokjin gets up and stands so that his dick is level with my face. I feel Namjoon come up and just as I take a deep breath he pushes himself into me slowly, his length pushes up against the vibrator in the most incredibly satisfying way. As soon as he's buried deep in me and I feel his thighs against the back of mine, I let out a deep breath and look up to Seokjin who's holding the small remote in his hand.

"Ready, baby?" He says to me. I run my tongue up the underside of his length and once I've reached his tip, I take him in my mouth fully and I hear him let out a groan. I nod my head and I feel Namjoon place his hands on my hips. Then, I feel it. The vibrations pushed against my walls along with being full to the hilt of Joon, it's all too much. I moan out against Seokjin's dick and I hear him bring his hands into my hair and push further into me. And like a perfectly timed song, they start moving, in sync with eachother and I'm taken over by the ecstasy. The vibrations in my core and against my clit is so earth shattering, so mind bending, that I lose the ability to completely grasp what I'm experiencing.

I no longer feel like I have control over my body. Jin is thrusting into my mouth and I just hear him completely losing all control of his inhibitions. He's cursing and moaning out my name and it just drives me even harder into this complete nirvana. I feel the vibration speed up and the intensity increase and Namjoon starts rolling his hips into me in a way that's so dirty and so seductive. I'm moaning involuntarily and just as Seokjin pushes further into me, I swallow against him and I hear him scream my name. I know that I'm not going to be hanging on for much longer. I feel Seokjin push back and then thrust deeply down into my throat at the same time that Namjoon slams into me, his fingers digging hard into my skin and I scream against Jin's cock. That's when I feel Seokjin release into me. His hot cum coats my throat as he pulses inside of me; his moans of pleasure are the sweetest song he will ever sing to me. He pulls himself out of me slowly and I swallow him and lick my lips. He comes down and kisses me and then leans into my ear, "I want to hear you when I do this baby girl," he tells me and I feel the intensity of the vibrations inside of me increase drastically as his fingers press the buttons of the remote. Namjoon loses himself in his movement as he becomes erratic and dubious.

"Oh my fuck," he shouts out as I feel his nails digging into my skin as he pushes into me one final time and I lose all sense of self as a curse leaves my mouth. The pulsing in my core erupts and I feel the warmth spread throughout my body; making every single limb on my body tingle with pleasure. It's the feeling that adrenaline junkies get high off of; a lightheaded rush that sweeps through my body as if I've just bungee jumped off of the tallest tower. Every nerve ending in my body is stimulated in a way that causes waves of extraordinary pleasure to crash into a physical release. I don't know when the vibrations stop because I'm am completely consumed.

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