"Joyonghan, baby... shhhhh"

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I make my way back to the green rooms (after finally finding the bathroom and splashing ICE COLD water on my face to try and calm myself down) and grab my camera to start getting some shots of the members getting ready. I walk around snapping photos of them and still can't get over how lucky I am to be able to do this job.

After an hour or so, the guys all head to the stage to do a quick sound check while I stay back and do some work before the show tonight. The stage crew and Manager Sejin have already given me the run through of the arena and the areas that I'm cleared for, so there isn't really a need for me to be at every sound check and since I have so much footage from this morning, I decide to skip it and focus on doing some editing for the next hour and a half or so.

I sit in the green room that's across the hall from where the guys were getting ready; it's quiet and I lower the lights so that I am able to concentrate. I start importing footage, put my AirPods in, and hit shuffle on my playlist. I begin to get lost in work; quickly editing photos and uploading files into the cloud server for management.

I smile as I look at the photos and remember the moments attached to them. I scroll to the next image and my heart literally stops. It's an image of Yoong, sitting across from me at the dance studio and I remember taking this photo while he was talking about working on new music and for a second he looked up at me , we locked eyes and he jokingly tells me "I hate photos" and proceeds to flip me off.

 It's an image of Yoong, sitting across from me at the dance studio and I remember taking this photo while he was talking about working on new music and for a second he looked up at me , we locked eyes and he jokingly tells me  "I hate photos" and...

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It was the moment that I first realized that I wanted to know more about him. I wanted to crack this hard/ bad boy exterior and see who he really was. I find myself starting at the screen. I continue scrolling through photos of him and my heart races every time. He's so beautiful and I just want to bury myself in him; his scent, his touch. I begin to think of the words he whispered to me on stage and can feel my body temperature rising again. I break myself out of the thoughts before they get too overwhelming and continue working.

I continue editing and quickly finish all the photos and email the link for the folder to the managers and begin working on the videos. I start color grading them and my eye goes straight to a dance practice video of Jungkook. The way he moves his body so fluidly, so effortlessly beautifully. I watch as he rolls his hips and hits every single beat of the song. He's mesmerizing and I can't take my eyes off of him. Everything about him makes my whole body feel like it's buzzing. He does this thing to me that I can't quite explain. It's like my body has an innate reaction to him and I'm not sure how to deal with it.

 It's like my body has an innate reaction to him and I'm not sure how to deal with it

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