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A/N: This chapter was one of the hardest yet most fun chapters I've ever written. It took me a lot longer to write than normal but I knew I wanted it to be super special. It's a little shorter than my usual but it's just a fun, smutty chapter deserved to be on it's own.


I have never in my life felt so ready to be fucked senseless like I am right now. I've been waiting for this moment with Hoseok for a while and I've been anticipating taking our relationship to the next level. The way he is looking at me is so carnal and animalistic that it makes me want to rip all of his clothes off . But of course, there is no way Hobi is going to let that happen. He has his plan and he isn't going to let me stray him from it. He stands in front of me with the most mischievous grin I've ever seen in my life. He grabs my hand and pulls me up off the bed so that i'm standing in front of him. He doesn't touch me, just goes around me and sits down at the center of the bed. I turn around to face him as he leans back on his hands and runs his eyes up and down my body.

"Be a good girl for me, okay?" He says to me as he licks his lips, watching me stationed in front of him. I nod at him, alerting him that I'm ready for my next step. "Take your clothes off, but leave your bra and panties on," he tells me. I do as he commands and bring my shirt up and over my head and throw it at him. He smiles at me as he catches it and tosses it to the ground. I move my hands slowly down my abdomen to reach the clasp of my skirt. I unhook it and let it fall down my legs. As it hits my ankles, I kick my leg up and aim it toward him as it flies to land in his lap. His smile is intoxicating; my gorgeous ray of sunshine. He stares at me, taking me in as I stand in front of him wearing only my bright yellow lace thong and bralette. I may or may not have planned on spending alone time with him tonight so I wore a set I knew would drive him absolutely mad.

"You look incredible, Princess," he tells me as he extends his hand for me to take it. He pulls me to him and leads me to the side of the bed where he motions for me to lay. He takes all the pillows off his bed and tosses them aside, leaving only his black satin bedding. He leans down to open the bottom drawer of his bedside table and pulls out a black silk scarf and a blindfold. He smiles at me as he sees my eyes go wide.

He climbs on the bed, straddling me with one leg on either side of my body; his very hard dick pressing against my belly. He runs his hands to the straps of my bra and pulls them down my shoulders. He then brings his arms around my back as I arch up for him and he unhooks my bra, throwing it aside with my other clothes. A shiver runs down my spine at the feeling of the cold air against my very sensitive nipples

"Put your arms up and over your head," he says to me. I lay back down on my back and extend my arms over my head like he asks, placing one hand in the other.

"Scoot up until you can touch the headboard," he continues instructing me. I move myself up slightly until I feel the metal of the headboard hit my fingertips.

"What's your safe word, Princess?" He asks me before moving any further.

"Mang," I say. He lets out a low laugh at the fact that we now use BT21 characters as our safe words. He runs his thumb across my lips and I can't help the moan that escapes my mouth.

He reaches over my body and wraps the silk scarf around my wrists, binding my hands together. Then he gently pulls them up and wraps the scarf around the metal rails on his headboard. He is gentle and makes sure that he's not hurting me but tugs at it to make sure that it's tied tightly on to the railing. I get goosebumps when I feel his breath hit my skin as he kisses his way down my arm. Once he is closer to my face, he pulls away and takes himself off the bed. I watch him as he walks to the door and his hand goes for the dimmer and he brings the lights down. He opens the door slightly and then turns back and walks toward me.

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