"Please Get Your Hands Off Of Jungkook..."

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"You met the members?" Jungkook asks, annoyance lacing his tone. We are all standing around and their eyes are all glued on me.

"Okay, listen, I was just being funny, so you should all calm down. But yes, I did. Management offered me the job after our meeting and then asked if I could meet the members since they were all already there, so we went up to the practice studio and they were all there and I met them," I tell them. It's obvious they still aren't very happy. I guess Johnny was right, significant others aren't comfortable with working with this many men.

"They were all super sweet and very kind and professional," I add in. Of course, I don't mention that some of them we a tiny bit overly affectionate.

"I'm glad it went well, Noona," Namjoon tells me. "Johnny is a great guy," he adds.

"He really is such a good guy. I spoke to him the most," I tell him. He walks forward to me and runs his hands down the length of my hair and stops as he reaches my hips. "I'm happy for you and for this opportunity; I'm sure we all are, but that doesn't mean that our jealousy isn't raging knowing that you'll be working with that many guys; good looking, idols," he confesses. I bring my hands up to his face, cupping his jaw and forcing him to look at me.

"Namjoon-ah," I say, " want to know something?" I ask him.

"Mmm?" He lets out.

"You have nothing to be jealous of. I belong to you, all of you, and there isn't anyone outside of this room that I could ever want more than I want you," I continue. I look around the room and everyone else seems to be relaxing a little, except for Jungkook, which essentially isn't surprising as he tends to be the one that holds on to jealousy the most.

"Did you meet Lucas?" He asks me and I freeze. I turn my eyes to him.

"Yeah, I did," I say to him, suddenly feeling nervous. He doesn't look upset but I can't read his expression.

"Can you just try and keep your distance from him, please?" He asks me. "It's not that I don't trust you because I do, but I don't trust him, at all," he tells me. I pull away from Namjoon and make my way to Jungkook. I wrap my arms around his waist and sit my chin on his chest looking up at him and he brings his hands up to wrap my hair around my ears. He leans down and kisses me.

"I don't mean to be a jealous asshole, I promise. I want you to do everything and anything you want, you know that, right?" He tells me.

"I know, baby. You're none of those things. But, I will respect anything you ask of me. It's compromise. That's what relationships are all about. You want me to keep distance with Lucas, and I will," I tell him. He brings his arms around my shoulders and hugs me tightly. "I love you so much, Noona," he tells me.

"I love you," I say to him and then slowly pull away from him and turn around. "I love you all more than you can imagine and will always respect you individually and our relationships. I promise," I tell them. One by one they walk up to me and kiss me. It's sweet and endearing and it makes me happy that we can all have these discussions. Seokjin is the last to reach me and he looks down on me as I stand on my tip toes and wrap my arms around his neck. His hands go under my thighs and he pulls me up to pull my legs around him as he holds me up.

"Thank you for the flower and the note," I tell him as I place a kiss to his lips. He kisses me back so feverishly that I feel my face flushes pink because I know we are being watched. I bring my lips to his neck and kiss him.

"I love you," I mumble into his skin.

"What?" I hear him say, surprisingly. I look up at him and kiss his mouth between each word.

"I. Love. You." I reiterate.

"Fuck," he moans into my mouth.

I laugh quietly and bury my face in his neck. I don't mean to tease them, but they just get so wound up so quickly. I bring my arm up to look at my watch and realize it's 10 until 7:00 pm.

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