"I Can't Wait to get you Alone..."

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My heart was beating a million miles a minute. The sounds of the thousands of people screaming for the members as they appeared on stage was DEAFENING. I looked around me and saw women all around me screaming and crying, unable to grasp that their favorite band was performing right in front of their eyes. There was a 15 foot wide area in between the barricade and the stage and that's where I was walking so get shots from all sides of the stage. I could see some of the women throwing nasty looks my way but it didn't bother me; being a woman in this job, it's something I've learned to deal with. Fans hate to see women anywhere near the idols they love.

I walked around the stage and focused on framing each shot with purpose. Because I had seen several rehearsals, I kind of knew which member was going to be where and what movements were going to be made. It was a completely different experience with the lights and the smoke and the stage set up. And not to mention how incredibly beautiful they all look. I began snapping photos and would take a glance after each shot to see if I was happy with it, and couldn't believe how amazing everything came together.

I begin to work my way around the stage and continuing to take photos. As they finish the first song, I catch Yoongi's eye and my heart flutters . He smiles and winks at me before running back toward the back of the stage. I stand there in complete disbelief; for one, I can't believe that this is my life and my job and two, the fact that this beautiful human being is interested in me in mind blowing. No one in this arena (other than the members and staff) has seen the sides of him that I have; the sweet, gentle, and caring side that I love so much. He is so much more than people give him credit for. People assume he's hard, mean, and serious but don't understand that it's all a facade to cover how sensitive and soft he actually is.

Fuck... I'm so smitten with him.

The next song starts and I realize they've moved on to solos. I haven't seen the layouts of the solos so I decide to stay on the floor. I see Seokjin, sitting in front of a piano that was so grand and so beautiful. He begins to play and i'm immediately blown away. As amazing as the members are collectively, it's easy to forget how absolutely incredible they are individually. I decide to move to stage right so that I can get some closer shots of Jin on the piano with the giant screen behind him. As I turn to walk away, I feel a sharp, burning, pain on my head. I feel someone pull my hair so hard that it made me stumble back and fall against the barricade. I stumble to regain my composure and figure out what the hell just happened.

I turn and see the group of fans that had previously given me dirty looks, bunched together laughing at me and pointing in my direction. I am completely caught off guard and don't know what the hell to do. In that moment, I hear the crowd in front of me start to scream and I'm wondering what's going on, I look toward the stage and see that Seokjin is still in the middle of his solo and it isn't until I feel someone grab my arm and turn me around and I come face to face with Jungkook, that I realize why the fans are freaking out.

He looks down at me, his eyes wide and full of worry. The fans around us are still freaking the hell out, probably in shock that he is so close to them, as they never really get off the stage during performances.

He leans down and places his mouth at my ear.

"Are you okay? I was backstage getting ready for my song and I saw what they did to you," he asks and I can hear the worry in his voice.

He looks me in the eyes again, his hands still on my arm. I nod slightly at him and he drops his hand to the small of my back and begins to lead me to stage right and away from the crowd. The fans continue to scream at the top of their lungs, including the group of women that pulled my hair, and he turns, glares at them and says something I can't understand. Whatever it was did the trick, because their eyes went wide and their faces, beet red. He turns back to me and we continue to walk.

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