"I'm So In Love With You, Angel..."

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As if he knew what I was thinking, Yoongi leans over and whispers an 'I Love You' to me as he places a kiss on my shoulder.

"Noona, why didn't you eat today? You can't be doing that, you need to eat," Jungkook asks with concern sprinkled on his face.

"It was just a long day and it got away from me," I say as I lean back against Yoongi who's pushed his chair up against mine to get as close to me as possible.

"Well, luckily you have 7 boyfriends that will constantly be reminding you to eat and rest and take care of you," Namjoon informs me.

"You guys already have so much going on, you can't be worried about me too," I say as I reach my hand across the table where Taehyung has extended his arm to reach me. I place my hand in his as his thumb strokes the back of my hand.

"You're not a burden to us, you understand that right? We worry because we love you and you're important to us," Hoseok chimes in. I turn my face to him and feel my heart swell at the sight of his beautifully bright smile. I feel my cheeks turn slightly red as I notice how they're all staring at me.

"Wanna know what I really want right now?" I say to them. They all shift their bodies forward, leaning as close to where I am as possible, intrigued by what I'm about to say.

"MINT CHOCOLATE ICE CREAM!" I tell them and the room erupts into a mix of laughs and fake gags and boo's. I laugh loudly because I know it's a topic of debate between them. I pull my legs off of Seokjin and get up out of my chair.

"Where do you think you're doing?" Seokjin stands up next to me.

"I'm going to go to the convenience store and get some ice cream," I tell him as I look up at him.

"Noona, we can send someone to do that," Namjoon tells me.

"No way, we are not disturbing the staff because my needy ass wants ice cream. The convenience store is less than a mile away, I'll just walk there. It's fine," I say.

"I'll go with you," Jungkook pipes up. Yoongi and Seokjin look at eachother and shake their heads.
"Not like either of them are going to let us win either way," Seokjin says as he leans down and kisses my forehead. I smile at him and turn to head to my room to change my pants. Jungkook follows behind me.
"Jimin and Taehyung are on clean up duty," I say before the elevator door closes and I hear them groaning. Jungkook follows me into my room where I quickly change my pants and grab a baseball hat; pulling it over my head and looping my hair through the hole in the back. We head back downstairs and swing by JK's room so he can grab a sweatshirt, a mask and a hat and then we make our way back out to the kitchen.

Jimin and Tae are cleaning up with Hobi helping them. Jin, Yoongi, and Joon are in the living room watching the news on the tv. "There's a cheesecake in the fridge if you guys want some. I made it this afternoon," I tell them as we head toward the front door.

"You're spoiling us, Eleanor" I hear Namjoon say.

"We will be back," I say as I give them a small wave.

"Be careful please," I hear Yoongi add in. He then turns his attention to JK and says something in Korean that I can't understand, the rest of the members adding in to the conversation.

"No fair," I say as I pout before pulling my mask up.

They all laugh at me as I turn around, grab my wallet from them entry table and we head out the door. I make sure my hat is pulled down and my mask is up high and turn to JK to do the same. It's virtually impossible to see him under the massive bucket hat and the mask covering his lower half.

As soon as we close the door behind us and we start walking toward the gate, Jungkook grabs my hand and weaves our fingers together and pulls me closer to him. We don't ever really get time like this at home so it's nice to be able to have these moments with him. We make our way to the store as he continues to tell me that I need to be better with eating and that he wants to make sure I'm staying healthy. I laugh because even though I'm older and he's the baby of the group, he still likes to pretend like he's the boss sometimes.

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