"Do You Want To Join Us..."

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My eyes close for maybe 10 minutes when I wake up unable to sleep. I toss and turn in my bed and just can't seem to relax enough to actually fall asleep. I lay on my back, extending my arms and legs and letting out an exaggerated sigh. I'm tired, I can feel it all over but for some reason, my body will not relax and go to sleep. I grab my phone and start scrolling through social media because what else is one supposed to do out in the middle of nowhere? I fall down a sinkhole and somehow end up on concert videos. My heart is hit with a wave of sadness, missing the adrenaline of live shows; and that makes me think of how sad the guys must feel.

As I scroll through, I land on a particular video that I've never seen before. The guys are all dressed in black; on a circular platform that's turning as they sing 'Pied Piper'. I have heard the song before but never really read the lyrics and this particular video has the English translation captioned. I watch as it starts with JK. My stomach flips when the camera goes to him as he sings in a low, sultry voice. His hair is messy and slightly wet, his face glistening in the light as he moves his body to the beat of the music; rolling his head and closing his eyes. I don't know how I've never seen this before but damn, am I glad to see it now.

The camera moves to Joon as he starts rapping and rolling his body, staring at the camera and pointing. He's an absolute tease. I'm reading these lyrics as my mouth hangs open. I can not believe the audacity of these men to tease people like this. I roll my eyes and smile as I keep watching. After Namjoon's verse it turns to Seokjin and as soon as I see him, a frustrated groan leaves my body. He looks absolutely fucking delicious. His hair is a soft lavender shade and he's glowing. His makeup is perfect and his gorgeous lips aren't over concealed; pink and pouty. I feel a warmth start to spread through my body. Quickly the camera pans to Taehyung and I gasp. Tae has always been REALLY good at flirting heavily with ARMY and the camera. He's the king of being a tease and it's no surprise that when the camera lands on him, he gazes straight into the lens. His hair is wild and wavy, falling into his eyes. He brings his hands up to the mic, his beautiful, long fingers, adorned in rings, gracefully wrapping around his emerald microphone.

It's right about then when I realize what's wrong and why I can't sleep... I'm so wound up, I'm so on edge. I am extremely turned on. It's been two days of constant and merciless teasing and zero release. My body is begging to let go and here I am watching videos of the hottest men in the world singing about being dangerous and sweet. I am not doing well right now.

I keep watching to see Jimin start singing in his beautiful falsetto. He looks so amazing, he sounds so amazing. I feel my heart thumping out of my chest watching him as he performs. The camera circles back to JK, looking so very angelic and innocent as the sings "I came to ruin you. You're the one who called me, see, I'm sweet," and I can feel the tingling in my core; my skin feels like it's on fire, my nipples hardening. I am a complete mess. I keep watching the video as Taehyung walks off the circular platform to the center of the stage. He sways his body as he walks and then places his hand on his belt and rolls his hips in the most seductive way. I gulp. I don't know how much more of this I can take.

Then, as if the universe knew that I needed the extra push, Yoongi starts rapping. I get goosebumps all over my body; watching him sway and point as his lips push against the microphone. Like the cherry on top of any good sundae, my sweet, sunshine boy appears on the screen not looking so sweet or sunshine-y and I feel like I'm going to burst. Hoseok is wearing a black button up shirt, slightly unbuttoned to show the beautiful lines of his clavicles, adorned in gold chains. He looks so incredibly hot that I can no longer handle this anymore. I stop the video and throw my phone. I need to take care of this... NOW.

I try and take a deep breath and clear my mind. Okay, I can do this myself or...OR, I can have one of them. But how do I choose? I feel like choosing one of the guys that I haven't had sex with would be unfair; I'm extremely overstimulated right now so it's not like I'd be super emotionally connected during this experience. BUT...is that such a bad thing? Would it be so bad that our first time hooking up would just be wild, crazy, hot, sex? No, right? But Tae, JK, and Yoongi all know me... they know what I like and how I like it. Which is exactly what I need right now. I just need someone to give me exactly what my body is craving. Damnit... why does this have to be so freaking hard?

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