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When Dream left the hospital, it was already snowing. The snowflakes fell from the sky, following the chilly wind which blew harshly against his face. It was only then did he realise winter was here again. He closed his eyes and wrapped his scarf tighter around his face.

Winter was extremely cold here where he lived. (Yes I know that he lives in FL, common knowledge...but for this story he's going to live...somewhere else?). Dream reached out a stiff hand to adjust his scarf, his hand still gripped onto the crumple piece of paper- his clinical report.

He stood next to the bus stop, not sure when there will be another public transport. His pale fingers were turning blue from the cold. He reached for his phone and dialled the number that was imprinted in his heart. He dialled again and again, but nobody answered.

Dream crumpled up the note, and threw it into a nearby trash bin.

It was only half an hour later did the bus finally arrive. Dream took a seat on the chair closer to the window, resting his forehead against the glass, reaching for his phone and dialling the number again. *Ring, ring, ring* The line picked up.

"It's snowing today, winter has arrived." It has been fourteen years. Dream said, his voice soothing as always, but the tears he tries to hold back can't help but crawl over his entire face.

Sapnap gestured towards the person at his side to stay silent, hands combing his hair back in annoyance at Dream's words. "Is there anything you need? I'm currently working overtime..."

"Are you coming back for dinner? You haven't been back for a while." Dream ran his finger across the plain silver band on his right ring finger. The tears dripped from his face to the back of his hand, splattering across the ring.

Sapnap frowned, Dream was acting weird today. It was a gut feeling he had, after all, they had been together for fourteen years. "Is there something wrong?" He asked, eyebrow raised slightly.

Dream didn't reply to that, but instead repeated, "Coming back for dinner? We should have dumplings for a snowy day. I'll make them for you."

"Like I said, I'm not coming back," Sapnap said, getting impatient now. Dream's dreary voice made Sapnap's skin crawl, "Also, don't make them yourself. I'll get Wilbur to order a set for you. I'm hanging up now, busy."

Dream listened to the beeping noise of the phone, a stabbing pain shot through his chest, his hand pocked his phone.

What kind of company was so busy that even their boss doesn't have the time to go back home to eat?

Sapnap had someone outside. How could Dream not notice?

It had been four years ago when Sapnap's ambition overflew, his desire overcoming his sense. How could Dream, who was always sharp, not notice his change? It was only because Dream ignored it. It wasn't because he didn't care, nor was it because he wasn't able to speak up. It was because he feared the pride he had on the surface would crumble along with the facade that is stripped away. He wasn't the emotionally driven teenager he was back then. What remains is the ten years of devotion and habits.

And so Dream lied to himself. He couldn't smell the pungent scent of perfume, he couldn't see the mark on Sapnap's collar, couldn't understand his poor excuse of not returning home.

They were in love, so why? What happened? He thought they had already pulled through the roughest period during the first few years when they had nothing.

The bus stopped at his destination, Dream got off the bus, his expression still as gentle and soft as before. The difference is his red rim around his eyes, and his face paler than usual.

He didn't buy any groceries; he didn't have an appetite. Today, he had already tried his best to beg Sapnap to come home... because Dream wasn't sure if they could still eat dumplings together the next winter.

Wilbur showed up quickly, wearing a suit and tie, seeming to have rushed from the company. He was holding a takeaway box. "Hello, Dream. " He politely greeted.

"In the future, you can just focus on your work with the office, " Dream said, "Don't keep getting pressured by Sapnap to run these errands."

Wilbur smiled, "It's only my duty as an assistant. I have to work hard to justify the high wage I'm given." He said handing the food to Dream, "Do you need anything else? "

"No, thank you." Dream said, nodding his head in thanks.

"Then I'll be going. Goodbye. "

"Okay, take care."

The door closed shut and Wilbur left. The box of dumplings sat on the table, and Dream sat alone next to the small round table.


For the past thirteen years, this table always had two people around it. For the past ten years, they had covered this exact table with flour and fillings, making a mess. Sapnap would make the dumplings with him, childishly shoving more candies and coins in the dumpling.

"Why are you shoving so many candies and coins in the dumplings?"

"The lucky dumplings often get taken by you, if I don't wrap enough, I won't be able to get one."


"The dumplings are ready! I'll take this plate. "

"Huh? Ok, " Sapnap said while taking a bite, "Why did you split the dumplings- Oh! I got a lucky dumpling!"

.・゜゜・End of flashback.・゜゜・

Dream reach up to wipe the blood oozing from his nose. Unbothered by it. He thought he finally understood why he would get an illness like this. Leaning back on the chair, he let out a sad chuckle, "Didn't I offer all my luck to you from the beginning."

He could only eat four of the dumplings out of the box before he got full. Four, one for the blessing of each season, Dream muttered, his thoughts hazy. He brought his hands to his burning forehead. He had a fever, he managed to realise in his swarming thoughts. Walking to the bed tiredly, he lay down. It is fine. Everything will be fine after he awakens.

A Sickness, A Doctor, A Cheater ||Dnb|| ✔Where stories live. Discover now