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Dream opened his eyes, seeing nothing but blackness. His head ached from the pain. The insomnia he suffered from had been ever so present for nearly half a month; making his head ache even more. Dre thought if Sapnap was by his side, his heart will finally be at rest, but he never thought it would hurt even more than before.


"Dream, how long will two men be able to last together?" His mom had asked, "No matter what he loves about you, there's always the possibility of him finding a better replacement out there."

A hand gripped on to his.

"The day you begin looking back at the good old days, will be the day this relationship finally collapse."

.・゜゜・End of flashback.・゜゜・

Dream rolled around to face Sapnap. He reached his arms out and wrapped them around Sapnap's waist, snuggling closer to him. Sapnap had always been a deep sleeper, so Dream knew this wouldn't wake him. His fingers played around with the hem of Sapnap's shirt. "I don't have more than a year left." Dream mumbled quietly, "No matter how much you fool around with others, as long as you don't do it in front of me..." it will be fine.

Sapnap pulled Dream on top of his chest, his face buried in Dream's hair. A soft mumble came from his mouth, "... Dream..."

A tear fell from Sapnap's eyes and landed on Dream's temple, but quickly disappeared into his hair. He convinced himself that it was just sleep talk.

It was Sapnap who had pursued Dream first, but after that, it was Dream who was chasing after Sapnap. When the business they established together became popular, Sapnap convinced him to retire. Dream took his advice and became basically a house wife. He learned how to cook, clean, and take care of the house; leaving Sapnap to run the business. But now, after the business' foundation started to deteriorate, Sapnap's love for Dream also began to deteriorate.

Dream probably wasn't as wealthy as Sapnap's lover. His illness swallowed up everything. He closed his eyes, hugging tighter onto Sapnap and whispered. "Don't be so cruel to me... I've never really gotten irritated with. But if you continue to ignore me, this time round I really will disappear from your side forever."

He felt ridiculous after saying it.

Dream trailed his finger across Sapnap's stomach. Sometimes, he wondered if his life would have been any different if he had never met Sapnap. So many possibilities; would he have had his own friends? Would he still have his parents by his side? He chuckled hopelessly at those wishful thoughts. But at the same time, Sapnap was the one who always gave him strength to continue to live on.

Maybe this was love. Trial and error.

Dream slowly got off the bed, tiptoeing over to the sofa, being carful to not wake Sapnap up.
He dug out a box of cigarettes that was hidden in a drawer. Dream then took one and lit it; watching the wisp of smoke that blurred the night sky.

It was a wonder how Dream discarded everything to be with Sapnap. He gave up university in order to venture into a whole new life. He gave up his health when he started to smoke and drink; he gave up everything to establish their business together. It wasn't easy, but somehow they did it.

But, now Dream was suffering a whole different form of hardship.

Who else could he blame? Dream thought to himself, as he took in another drag, the bitter taste of nicotine numbing his sense. It was the path he chose for himself. He never once regretted it, but it has been fourteen years already. He's no longer young to love him like how he did ten years ago.

Dream fell asleep on the sofa, but woke up when another fever hit him. He poured out the medicine and walked over to the kitchen to boil water.

"Why are you up so early? I woke up and you weren't beside me." Sapnap said while walking into the kitchen, fingers running through his already messy hair. He still looked young, Dream noted. Especially now since he was complaining.

"I got used to waking up early. You should head out for lunch later. I didn't cook." Dream muttered harshly as he poured the water into a glass.

Sapnap was ticked by Dream's tone, but once he saw the pills in Dream's hands he asked, "Are you feeling unwell?" Examining Dream, he noticed that he was a bit pale, paler than usual.

"Ah, I'm fine. I just caught a cold, nothing to worry about." Dream smiled, "Are you not going to work today?"

Sapnap could feel the sarcasm Dream held in his voice, "I'm not going today, I'm going stay at home with you."

"Well, In that case, I'll go prepare something for you to eat. How does tomato soup sound?" Dream asked, but there was not a hint of excitement in his voice.

"Sounds great." Sapnap said, making his way over to the sofa to lie down. When he was about to take a seat, a pot of flower caught his eye. "You're starting to raise flowers?" He asked with a suspicious tone . "I thought you didn't like taking care of plants?" Sapnap said walking towards Dream.

Dream paused, turning around to look at Sapnap before returning his attention to the soup. "One of my friends gave it to me, I'm just trying it out for fun." Dream replied.

"What friend? From where? Do I know them?" Sapnap questioned, his voice getting louder.. "Such an expensive flower just for you to try out for fun?"

His questions annoyed Dream. A feeling of jealousy washed over Sapnap. Dream continued to reach for the ingredients for breakfast, not bothering to answer the questions.

"Dream!" Sapnap yelled as he grabbed Dream's wrist, his nails digging into his arm leaving marks.

"What? You're allowed to go outside to have fun, but I'm not allowed to make friends?"

Guilt fuelled Sapnap's anger, he knew Dream was right. "What the fuck are you trying to say?! While I'm out there, working my ass off to provide for you, you're at home thinking of shit like this?"

Dream let out a chuckle, "Sapnap, how thick is your skull? Do you really think I need you to provide for me? Thirty percent of the shares are not enough for my living expenses? This house is under both our names, we both pay the bills! Why do you suddenly think you're my sugar daddy?"

Hearing Dream's yells, Sapnap felt an unusual sense of dread wash over him. He had never heard Dream like that before. Then anger once again took over, "You're changing the fucking topic, Dream. You're just afraid that I'll find out about what you're trying to hide, aren't you?" He argued back, unwilling to admit that he was in the wrong, "Who knows if you're seeing someone else. You won't even let me touch you. That damned plant is already enough for you to make a down payment for a house."

The price of the plant surprised Dream, if he knew it was so expensive he would have never accepted the flowers.

But Dream knew he was in the right here, "If you aren't willing to return home, then get lost. I don't care what you do outside," Dream yelled out, his voice even louder than before, "so you should just leave me alone!"

Sapnap took a step towards Dream, his arm raised up, ready to slap Dream. His palm nearly connecting with his face before Dream whispered quietly, "You're really willing to hit me?" He stood there, staring at Sapnap as tears rolled down his cheeks.

They were both silent for a moment, before Sapnap's hand fell back down to his side. He then walked straight out of the house, not turning around to look at Dream. The door closed with a loud bang, leaving Dream alone in the house, once again.

It didn't hurt anymore.

A Sickness, A Doctor, A Cheater ||Dnb|| ✔Where stories live. Discover now