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||Hi.. so I was thinking about changing the cover of this book, but I have no idea what to change it to.. any ideas? Thx :)||

The scowl on Sapnap's face became even more dark. He loosened his grip around Dream's chin, as if he disgusted him. "Let me get this right. Your coat is at the doctor's, the doctor's scarf is at my house," Sapnap took a deep breath before continuing, "What a fucking coincidence. Which location is the best doing it with the Doctor? The ward? Resting area? Or is it the bed in my house?"

Dream whipped his head up in disbelieve, surprised at the words that was coming from his lover's mouth. Was this the person he had given his heart and soul to?

"Sapnap!" He yelled, struggling to stand up, "Who gave you the right to say that?! So, you're allowed to go out fuck around with other people? How dare you take up such a righteous attitude! You think I'm not aware of your flings? How dumb do you think I am? You are not any fucking better either-"

Dream did not even finish his sentence. A loud slap interrupted him. Sapnap was furious, his head was not able to process his hypocrisy, he could not think, "I have no choice but to go out there to entertain people, what's so hard about staying at home? You're just itching for beating aren't you?!"

Sapnap took a big stride towards Dream, seizing his arm. He was not like the doctor who was tender with his actions in fear of hurting Dream. Instead, the grip on his wrist was with the intent to make Dream suffer pain. Sapnap tightened his grip, Dream could feel the bruise already forming around his wrist, "You feel lonely right? You just want somebody to fuck you, right?!" Sapnap yelled.

The scarf that was the cause of this issue was strewn on the bed. Sapnap glared at the scarf in disgust, ripping the bedsheets out and throwing it along with everything the scarf dirtied on the ground.


"Who does the scarf belong to?" Sapnap asked, pointing at the scarf.

A cheerless smile formed on Dream's  face. "The Doctor's."

"How are you so fucking shameless?"

Dream wanted to slap Sapnap, he wanted to fight against the grip around him, but all his strength went into his anger, none was left in his body. He wanted to yell at Sapnap again, but his anger choked him.

Sapnap pinned Dream against the headboard, his back still hurting from when he hit the table. The headboard was chilling to touch and too rough.

"I hate you." Dream finally spat out. After he spoke those words he did not even try to fight back, even the tone when he spoke those words was calm. But it was with those three words that made Sapnap's heart freeze.

But after a moment, his heart start beating again, even faster than before from the rage pumping his blood. Sapnap grabbed the scarf, binding it around Dream's wrists, "You're getting bold aren't you? I'll fuck you until you won't let another man touch you ever again, understand?"

Dream could smell the disinfectant on the scarf. It reminded him of Techno. His actions were all so careful, delicate, afraid of hurting him. Maybe he really liked Dream so much that he would not want to harm him.

But what about Sapnap?

He did not even take off all of Dream's clothes, only undoing his zipper and ripping his pants off him, "Slut," he hissed. His actions were rough, not a single trace of gentleness left in them. "I shouldn't have ever left you home alone."

Tears dropped from Dream's eyes from the pain, shuddering under Sapnap, each thrust a deeper stab into his body. Sapnap did not even prepare him, only a few fingers that were coated in spit shoved in him to make entry easier.

A Sickness, A Doctor, A Cheater ||Dnb|| ✔Where stories live. Discover now