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Dream arrived at the railway station by taxi. He had powered off his phone on the way there, too weary of what might appear on the screen. As soon as he turned it on once he got inside, the notifications filled the screen. Most were text messages and calls were from Doctor Blade.

Doctor Blade

I'm sorry to say this,
but I may like you..

I know you have a partner,
but I can be better than him.

Please don't be angry with
me. Just send me a
message, okay?

Dream smiled softly at his phone before continuing reading the long string of text messages

Dream, don't ignore me.

...Fine...you can ignore me. But
you still must come to
the hospital for your treatment!

Dream, please answer me.
It's time for the chemotherapy.
I know it's painful, but why
haven't you come yet?

Don't play a joke with
your life because of me!

...If... If you aren't here in
15 minutes, I will come to
your house myself and
drag you back to the hospital!

Sorry... that sounded
threatening, but I'm only doing
this for your own good.
It's because I care about you.

Dream, please, I beg you
please come...I promise
if you come, I won't bother
you again.

Please, don't ignore me.

After Dream had finished reading the text messages, he did not know how he felt. He was confused, why did the doctor worry so much for him?

After he hesitated for a moment, he called the doctor. Almost immediately the phone was picked up, as if the doctor was waiting for the call. "Dream, where are you?! Are you ok? How's the pain?"

Dream took a deep breath before answering, "I'm sorry for making you worry, Doctor Blade...As to my illness, I quit therapy."

Techno became silent, it made Dream uncomfortable. Then he suddenly yelled, "No, I won't allow it!"

Dream asked hopelessly, "Why? I won't live long whether I am treated or not."

"I'll see you at your apartment." Techno said, relaxing his tone, but a hint of determination still present.

Dream smiled at the doctor's stubbornness, it reminded him of Sapnap when they were younger. Always determined to make Dream happy and get the best out of life.

It hurt so much to remember those memories, "No need. I'm leaving, doctor. Take care of yourself." Dream then hung up and powered off his phone once again.

Looking at the train ticket in his hand, he closed his eyes and breathed, "This is it, I'm finally free. "


The train ticket Dream bought was to California; then he would continue his journey north. If life unfolds according to his plan, the money left would be enough to rent an apartment for six months. That's if he did not continue his treatment.

Dream arrived at the train station at exactly eleven in the morning. It was still too early to take the departure, since his ticket was for one in the afternoon. Fortunately, he was a very patient man. After years and years of waiting, he had become accustomed to it.

A Sickness, A Doctor, A Cheater ||Dnb|| ✔Where stories live. Discover now