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Sapnap stayed in the hospital for merely a day. He was then led back and forth to have his body checked like a puppet on strings, his mind totally blank. The doctors advised him to quit smoking and stop drinking alcohol, but Sapnap knew it would not help at all, since there was a certain person that he could not get out of his mind.

His beloved one, the boy he could not keep his eyes off since schooldays, whose smile was sweeter than candy. And when he smiled, there were cute little dimples on one side of his cheeks.

And then, they got together. What a wonderful and memorable day that was. Sapnap wished he could go back.

The two of them together had gone through the greatest hardships together. However, when life got better, everything changed. Dream began to smile less and became quieter. His eyes became increasingly duller and sadder day by day.

It was all Sapnap's fault. Unfortunately he did not know that at the time, or he chose not to acknowledge it.

He bit down his lip in a poor attempt to keep himself in the world, like a reminder that he still existed in the horrible place. He did not want to cry at the moment.

Sapnap's thoughts were soon interrupted when he realized his phone was ringing. He took it out and answered the phone, "... Hello? "

"Sapnap? This is the Estate Management Department."

"What's the matter?" He answered weakly.

"Here's the thing, at the beginning of this month, you asked for security footage regarding something. There's still a small part remaining unchecked. Would you still like to watch it? It will be hard to find if you want to leave it for the next time."

Sapnap was going to say forget it. He did not have time for this pointless stuff. But deep inside, he still kept the last bit of hope he had. Sapnap would have rather be troubled with trivialities than miss the slightest chance of finding Dream's whereabouts.

He decided to drive home, without even taking the medical examination reports.

"Sapnap." The security staff greeted him. This was a high-end community with a civilized security team. "We spotted something odd during the replay so we called you to have a double-check. Come and have a look."

Sapnap walked over to where the guard was and when he saw what, or should I saw my, who was in the footage his heart jerked. His fingers began to quiver.

Due to privacy protection, apart from the lanes across the community, inside the buildings, only elevators and escape ways were equipped with monitors, and there were not any near the doorways of each apartment. But even so, Sapnap was sure that the car showing up and the people going upstairs that day were related to the pink-haired doctor.

"This, can you magnify it?" He asked as he tapped on the computer screen that paused on a man in a cream coat.

When the footage enlarged, the face of the man on the screen felt weirdly familiar to Sapnap. He felt like he has seen him somewhere before, but he just could not put his finger on it, let alone confirm his identity. Another quick thought flashed in his mind-the man on the screen looked quite handsome; his eyes and brows and jaw on his emotionless face somehow looked like... Technoblade.

Sapnap could not stay calm anymore as his heart twitched. "Play the video back. Pause on those car plates."

He took note of the numbers of every car plate himself and called the director of road and transport bureau right after he walked out.

That day, the entire police station was busy analyzing the video. All they had been told was that some criminal gang had driven off somewhere.

Sapnap swore to himself that when he saw Technoblade, he would let him know that he should not mess with him. Sapnap clutched the piece of paper on which Techno's car plate was underlined, then shoved the paper in the mail to him along with one statement, "I found you. "

A Sickness, A Doctor, A Cheater ||Dnb|| ✔Where stories live. Discover now