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When Dream arrived back home, he felt horrible for the entire afternoon. He barely able to stomach anything he ate, so he vomited five times throughout the day, and at the end, only bile was thrown up.

Dream panted heavily as he leaned against the toilet bowl, not having the energy to stand up after vomiting. But when he heard the sound of the door slamming, he quickly stumbled up onto his feet. “I’m home!” Called Sapnap.

Dream smiled, cleaning up before going out to greet Sapnap. “You’re back.” When he came closer to his lover, he could smell the strong scent of alcohol.

It might have been the alcohol that made Sapnap be unusually more affectionate than usual. Sapnap stumble over to Dream, body slumping against him. Dream's weak body could not take the weight of Sapnap, so they both fell down on to the sofa.

Sapnap wasted no time in ripping off Dream's clothes. Without any prep, he buried himself straight into him. Dream was already used to giving everything he had to Sapnap.

He completely disregarded the warning the pinkette gave him. Dream tried his best to enjoy Sapnap’s embrace. Trying melt into the rough thrusts that was too much for his body. He tried to muffle his cries of pain, so instead he wrapped his arms tighter around Sapnap's neck, telling Sapnap to go faster.

Dream moaned out Sapnap's name causing him to sink deeper into him. Speeding up as Sapnap came into him. He slowly lowered himself, exhausted, with a small mutter falling from his lips. It was a name. But it wasn’t Dream’s name.


Dream could feel his heart shatter in to a million pieces. That wasn't his name.


With eyes staring into the darkness, Dream pushed Sapnap’s heavy body away.  He tried to take deep breaths, waiting for the pain in his heart to subside.

Did they not say they would be together forever? Dream sighed. They met at the perfect age, and they thought they each met their soulmate. He remembered so many little things they did. He remembered them clearly, because each memory formed a load of happiness.

Back in highschool, Sapnap pretended to be the cool and unbothered type, but Dream knew that he was actually a big baby deep inside. He remembered Sapnap crouched down by a bush, calling out his name excitedly as he showed him the the lizard he found.

Every day, Sapnap would try to bring something yummy for Dream to eat; he would get into fights because of him; he would try to scare off the girls who tried to confess Dream.

When they grew up, it became a custom to drink with the other business partners. Even if Sapnap could not drink anymore, he still continued. Then once he was drunk, he would cling on to Dream, crying on to his shoulders while saying he was sorry he was unable to give him a better life.

Didn’t they promise each other they will be each other forever? Dream couldn’t stand it anymore. He wrapped his arms around his legs as tears started to flow from his emerald eyes, dripping on to his cotton shirt.

He really missed the days when they would admire the jasmines flowers together once they were in full-bloom. Back then, Dream would always gather the petals that fell and blow them at Sapnap's face while laughing.

Dream remembered the kisses they shared in the jasmine fields, where there was only the two of them. But the kisses they once shared, the kisses that were full of love, were only left in the memory of the jasmine fields.

Dream tried his best to crawl out of the bed without waking Sapnap. He adjusted the blankets over Sapnap so that he could be warm. The smile that should have been sweet and gentle, was instead ruined with tears.

A Sickness, A Doctor, A Cheater ||Dnb|| ✔Where stories live. Discover now