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The winter in west was humid and cold, which was torturing. The bone-chilling coldness would just seep through and bite on your bare skin no matter how many layers you wore.

Dream had a sneeze while getting off the car. Techno touched Dream's hands; his fingertips were ice-cold. "Let's go inside, I'll turn on the heater and get you a hot-water bag to warm up your limbs." He said as he naturally took Dream's right hand and put it into his pocket.

Dream smoked as he leaned closer to him then said in a slightly hoarse voice, "Has the temperature dropped again these days? When we were in the car, I vaguely heard that the drizzle is going to last for the next few days from the weather forecast."

Techno took the keys out with another hand and said gently, "It's just the way winter is here. You have become more vulnerable to the coldness."

Dream huffed like a child and stopped talking. He changed his shoes, went straight into the bedroom, and turned on the lights.

When Techno came into the bedroom after getting everything settled out there, Dream had already finished his shower. He had on a loose bathrobe, cuddling a cushion yawning leisurely.

"Come on, time to sleep. It's been a tiring day for you." Techno laughed leaning over to touch his forehead with the back of his hand. His body temperature was fine. "You ate nothing today. Do you want to eat something?"

"No." Dream shook his head.

The doctor sighed then sat next to him on the bed, heating up his hands by rubbing them together with Dream's. His palms were warm and dry. "Nothing? Are you not feeling well? Is there something wrong with your stomach?" Techno placed one hand on Dream's belly and began to rub circles on it.

Dream felt much better, almost sleepy, but forced himself to stay awake. Something seemed to be on his mind.

"What?" Techno noticed something as he was always on the alert. "You gotta tell me if you aren't feeling well."

Rapid blinks of Dream's semi-closed eyes told the evasiveness in them. "Shouldn't you go to sleep now?"

Techno was certain that something was not quite right, but he did not have the heart to push the topic further more. He once again sighed and turned off the lamp then went to lay in bed next to him. "Go to sleep, I'll keep you company."


There was only absolute quietness in the dark except the rhythmic sound of light breaths. The two of them neither felt like sleeping nor had a topic to talk about.

Techno did not try to hug Dream while he was napping. Outside in the kitchen, crystal sugar was melting on low heat with strawberries in it. He did not want to startle Dream, who was lying in his arms, when he had to get up to turn off the fire. He lightly pressed his back against Dream's, a habit he picked up when he got nervous, which was unusual, because they were sleeping together like a normal couple just days ago.

In the beginning, he thought the blurry intimacy was just his misjudgment or he was sexually repressed for too long until someone hugged him from behind, when the doctor's mind instantaneously cleared up. Even the dullest man could tell the difference between a simple touch and a suggestive invite by instinct, not to mention that Techno was a very sensitive man.

Dream's hug was mild and somehow uncertain and disturbingly careful. He was never an open man. If it was not in the dark, he would not even have the courage to reach out his arms.

Techno, on the other hand, was an open man, he had seen the world of seduction during his playboy days but at this very moment, he froze. He longed for it, he fantasied it... Yet now, how could he have the heart?

A Sickness, A Doctor, A Cheater ||Dnb|| ✔Where stories live. Discover now